· April, 2006

Stories from Quick Reads from April, 2006

Martinique: Tourists Turned Off

  29 April 2006

Bien Vu worries (FR) that Martinique is turning tourists off. Some have complained to him, he says, about: “a poor welcome, bad company, not feeling safe during their vacations and...

China: Truth penetrates firewall

  29 April 2006

In ‘China Good News Vol. 3‘, the Laowiseass blogger posts a letter from a reader: “I just saw a PBS documentary about what happened in Beijing in the summer of...

China: Blogger still held

  29 April 2006

With help from her father and friends, Nina Wu—older sister of illegally-detained Beijing or Bust blogger Hao Wu—has become a one-woman lobbying force as seen in today's post ‘contact‘.

Martinique: Do Not Piss Here

  29 April 2006

Bien Vu finds a “Do not piss here” bilingual french/creole sign near the Tourism Bureau in downtown Fort-de-France and concludes “In Martinique, we spell things out.”

East Timor: Update from the streets

  29 April 2006

Things have quietened down in Dili, the East Timor capital. Blogger at Dili-gence drives around the streets of central Dili to look at the damage. A largely peaceful protest by...

World: Farmer's Market International Parade

  28 April 2006

Melissa De Leon and Elena Hernandez are co-hosting the “The Farmer's Market International Parade” where participants from across the world post photos of their neighborhood markets, which will then be...