Stories about Photos from March, 2012
Zambia: President Angers Citizens in Diaspora
Zambia’s President Michael Sata has invited the ire of citizens living abroad for ridiculing them during a three day visit to neighbouring Botswana and also dashing their hopes for inclusion of dual citizenship into the new Zambian constitution.
United States: “I am Trayvon Martin”
The indignation of American citizens and Internet users around the world over the murder of Martin Trayvon Florida continues to grow. This young black man was shot at the exit of a store by a security guard of the city of Sanford. For many it is a racist murder, and the law "Stand your ground" (Defend yourself), that legitimate self-defense in Florida, must be challenged.
Azerbaijan: 17 March youth protest in images
Narmin Noqte posts video footage and photos from the 17 March youth protest in Baku, Azerbaijan. The video is subtitled in English and available on Vimeo.
Azerbaijan: Novruz Bayram
Alongside Iran and elsewhere, Azerbaijan once again celebrated Novruz, the Zoroastrian or Persian New Year. One of the most important dates in the country's calendar, foreigners blogging from Azerbaijan, as well as Azerbaijanis themselves, naturally introduced the holiday to their readers.
China: Turning Duck into Goose
Ministry of Tofu translated a local news report about restaurant's trick by giving duck plastic surgery, making it looks like goose so as to making bigger profit.
Hong Kong Chief Executive Election: The Pig, the Wolf or Blank Vote?
The Hong Kong Chief Executive "election" is about to take place. Who are the 1200 privileged election committee members going to vote for? The 'Pig', the 'Wolf', a democratic token or will they cast a blank vote?
Spain: Are You For or Against EuroVegas?
The CEO of Las Vegas Sands, multibillionaire Sheldon Adelson, has decided to establish his next hotel-casino complex EuroVegas in Spain. If the Spanish government seems enthusiastic about this project, the Spanish people are divided on the issue.
Iranians to Israelis: “We Are Your Friends”
An Israeli Facebook campaign to say to Iranians “We will never bomb your country. We love you.” has received an answer from Iranians in the form a corresponding Facebook initiative that says to Israelis, “We are your friends.”
Turkey: Riot Police Continue to Clash with Kurds Celebrating Newroz
Kurdish people are the largest ethnic group in Turkey. They have been subject to state-sanctioned discrimination and human rights violations. Today, in Yuksekova, which is a district in the Hakkari province of Turkey, Kurdish people were attacked for gathering to celebrate Newroz - the Kurdish new year.
China: Shanghai International Adult Products Expo
The 9th Shanghai International Adult Products Expo kicked off with pole dancers and adult movie stars from Japan on March 18, 2012. Off-beat China has posted a set of photos...
China: Reactions to India's Poor and Homeless
Fauna from ChinaSMACK translated Chinese netizens’ reactions to a set of photos that show India's poor and homeless.
Cuba: Diverse Opinions on Pope Benedict's Visit
Pope Benedict XVI's visit to Cuba has caused a great deal of controversy and debate in the Island. Blogs and social media have been a platform for an array of opinions. Elaine Díaz takes a look at some of these online conversations.
Postscript to East Timor Presidential Elections
The incumbent president of East Timor conceded defeat in the recent presidential election which was hailed by both citizens and international observers as generally peaceful and credible. Here are other online reactions using the hashtag #eleisaun2012.
Colombia: Interactive llustrated Tour of Medellin
Take a virtual tour of Medellin, Colombia through illustrations, picture composites and images of the different locations around the city, all placed within a clickable map in Medellin Illustrated [es].
Hungary: An Eventful Celebration of the National Holiday
The prime minister compares the country to a frog; a rapper is elected as "the alternative president"; far-right protesters break into the IMF office; a techno party is held at Budapest's Heroes' Square, followed the next day by a paramilitary group's oath ceremony. Marietta Le reports on this year's eventful celebration of Hungary's National Day.
Brazil: Cyclist's Death in São Paulo Sparks Protests and Debate
On the morning of March 2, 33-year-old Juliana Dias was killed by a bus while riding her bicycle on her way to work along São Paulo's main street, Avenida Paulista. Her story shocked cycling rights activists, sparked spontaneous protests across the city and opened a national debate.
Yemen: Remembering the Friday of Dignity
A year ago, around 52 protesters were killed and close to 100 were reportedly injured in Sanaa. Netizens remember the day, March 18 - a turning point in Yemen's revolution, which made many people, statesmen, diplomats, and soldiers defect and join the ranks of the protesters.
Brazil: Solidarity March for Syrian Revolution
Syrian revolution support reached Sao Paulo, Brazil, on March 18. Hundreds of activists in Sao Paulo rallied to show their solidarity with the Syrian struggle on its first anniversary.
A Love Letter From Israel to Iran
A message of love from Israelis to Iranians sounds stranger than fiction in these tense years where Iranian and Israeli governments threaten each other constantly. But we see examples of just this in a new Facebook campaign.
Philippines: Noynoying is the New Planking
Because planking protests are now banned in the Philippines, activists resorted to Noynoying. What is Noynoying and how did it replace planking as a popular protest pose in the country? Noynoying refers to President Noynoy Aquino who is accused by activists of doing nothing to stop the rising prices of oil and other basic goods. Noynoying pictures have gone viral already in the local cyberspace.
Bangladesh: A Journey in Photos with Featured Blogger GMB Akash
In this feature we introduce to you photographer GMB Akash whose photoblog contains stories of pain, sufferings, joy and hope of the ordinary people of Bangladesh. He has made quite an impression in the international arena in portraying different sides of Bangladesh.