· June, 2011

Stories about Photos from June, 2011

Puerto Rico: Uproar Over Blogger's Story

  13 June 2011

An anonymous blogger's post narrating how she was insulted by a public official spread through the Puerto Rican blogosphere and social media, and made waves in the mainstream media. The incident has been confirmed. Here is "Yuyu's" story and reactions from netizens.

Cuba: Activists, Bloggers on the Cuba Money Project Vimeo Channel

  13 June 2011

The Cuba Money Project has launched an impressive video archive with interviews of activists and bloggers in Cuba. Global Voices author Ellery Biddle interviews Tracey Eaton, the founder of the non-profit research and reporting initiative that aims to investigate and bring greater transparency and accountability to US federal spending on “pro-democracy” programs in Cuba.

Bangladesh: Hartal In Pictures

  12 June 2011

The opposition parties in Bangladesh have started a 36-hour strike (hartal) that began at dawn Sunday in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Photoblogger Monirul Alam captures some actions during the strike in a...

Spain: Protests Evolve, but Tensions Continue

  11 June 2011

The mobilizations that started on May 15 in Spain have gradually evolved into local meetings, gatherings and different kinds of initiatives all over the country. But the tension on the streets is still high. On June 11 in Madrid, a sit-in ended up with police charging against demonstrators.

Kuwait: Shia Twitter User Arrested

Kuwaiti Nasser Abul, a young Shia man, has been arrested, allegedly for his posting on micro-blogging site Twitter. This is the first time a Twitter user is held for tweets in the country. The arrest has created a furour on Twitter, where many called for his release.

Japan: Original photos of Fukushima Daiichi

  3 June 2011

Flickr user hige-darumaひげだるまattractive woman published photos of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant taken during a tour of the facilities in June 1999. Tepco employees’ faces have been blurred but...

Armenia: Not so SuperJet

Russian LiveJournal user Zyalt [RU] posts photographs and comments on his arrival in Yerevan, Armenia. In particular, though, the blogger notes that furnishings inside the new Sukhoi SuperJet 100 he...

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