Stories about Photos from June, 2016
The Wild World of Telegram Stickers
It’s Friday and today we’re going to write about stickers—not just any stickers, but the stickers that have been flooding the instant messenger app Telegram for the past year.
One Photographer’s Mission to Change People’s Perception of Burn Survivors
"For me all of them are inspiring. They are not victims. They are survivors. Fighters. Literally, they are happy."
Ramadan in Sri Lanka Is More Than You Think
Although Sri Lanka has grappled with divisions along ethnic and religious lines, in challenging times citizens do come together to help each other, casting aside their differences.
Women Are Speaking Up About the Sexual Harassment They've Experienced in French Politics
"...when it happens, you don't know how to react. You're stunned. Frozen. Do you give him a slap? Everyone is looking at you. Why are you not laughing?"
The Champ in Photos: Muhammad Ali’s 1993 Trip to Iran
"I am one of literally billions of people affected by the life and actions of Muhammad Ali."
How Madagascar's The Dizzy Brains Is Rocking Its Way Into European Hearts
The Dizzy Brains to Madagascar's prime minister: "Just do your job, man!"