Stories about Photos from September, 2014
What it Means to be Puerto Rican for Political Prisoner Oscar López Rivera
Oscar López Rivera has been imprisoned in the United States for over thirty years because of his political beliefs.
8 Things You Wanted to Know About Madagascar but Were Afraid to Ask
If you ever wonder about visiting Madagascar or simply want to know more about the island, here are a few facts to consider.
Are Madagascar's Health Care Facilities Ready for Possible Ebola Outbreak?
Fifteen African countries including Madagascar are potentially at risk since they have the same environmental characteristics as affected countries. The prime minister says Madagascar is prepared, but others are doubtful.
#WithSyria Wants to End the Indiscriminate Bombing of Syrian Civilians
#withSyria campaign wants the world leaders to hear and act through 100K signatures to effectively stop the indiscriminate attacks of Syrians civilians. Help us by spreading the word.
Central Asia and South Korea Are More Connected Than You Might Think
South Korea is an unheralded but important partner to the post-Soviet states of Central Asia, serving both as a destination for Central Asian migrants and a source of regional trade.
Fiji's Pacific Climate Warriors Are Ready to Stand Up for Climate Change Action
A photo series offers a glimpse of Fiji's "Pacific climate warriors" as they prepare to fight for their very existence against climate change.
Togolese Bloggers Poke Fun at President for Over the Top BillBoard
Someone sure wanted people to know that he was thankful for Togolese President Faure Gnassingbé generosity. This week, a giant billboard was raised in Lomé, Togo that praised the president's action...
Israel Moves to Make its Biggest Land Grab in 30 Years, in Palestine's West Bank
The Israeli government said it will annex 990 acres of Palestinian Territory near the Jewish settlement of Gva'ot, west of Bethlehem, leaving way for more settlements considered illegal under international law.
As Ebola Strikes, a Guinean Blogger Laments the Country's Lack of Online Community
"What happened to the Guinean blogosphere? Does Guinea even have a blogosphere to speak of? [...] Aren't we just too often the self-centered, passive spectators of the the world's convulsions?"
Activists and Bloggers Worldwide Ponder Lessons Learned From the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
There is no denying that more people are now more aware of ALS than ever before, but critics have accused the campaign of focusing on self-congratulating deeds.
ISIS Releases Another Gruesome Beheading Video, Allegedly of US Journalist Steven Sotloff
The three-minute video allegedly shows the beheading of Steven Sotloff, whose work in hotspots across the Middle East has taken him to Bahrain, Syria, Egypt, Libya and Turkey.
These Photos Capture Life Beyond War and Tragedy in Palestine
Humans of Palestine aims at restoring the humanity often stripped away when Palestinians are reduced to calculative deaths, forgettable names, and mutilated bodies, rather than people with stories and dreams.
From Liberia to South Korea, West Africa's Ebola Outbreak Is Met With Ignorance and Paranoia
A pub in South Korea posted a notice turning away Africans "due to Ebola virus," and a Nigerian millionaire preacher is offering to cure Ebola patients with his special water.