Stories about Photos from May, 2009
Russia: “Uncle Mirza's Cabin”
Sixty-one photos of Moscow's migrant workers, by Yuri Kozyrev and LJ user kunstkamera – at LJ user burtin‘s blog (RUS).
Iran:'Photoland’ and election
Mohammad Ali Abtahi,former vice president, informs[fa] us that Mehdi Karroubi‘s supportes have launched a site named ‘Photoland’ where people can publish the photos. The site has proposed Iranians to send...
Lebanon: Palestinians In Exile
Palestinian blogger Laila El-Haddad publishes some images of Wavel Camp, a Palestinian refugee camp in Baalbek, Lebanon.
China and Hong Kong: June 4th protest T-shirt design
Every year on the Sunday before the anniversary of June 4th Incident (Tiananmen Square, 1989), people in Hong Kong would demonstrate to call for justice. This year, the 20th anniversary...
Malawi: Malawi Elections 2009 Photostream
Malawi Elections 2009 Flickr photostream from African Elections Project (Malawi).
Iran: State-run Press TV in London
Spider, an Iranian blogger, has published a photo of one of Iranian State-run Press TV‘s advertisement in a metro in London. In this publicity we read Press TV wants to...
Taiwan: LiveCast and music for saving rural livelihood
Citizen journalists, activists and artists use different forms of media - LiveCast, written reports and musics- to save rural livelihood and Taiwan's agriculture from destructive government rural policies.
Madagascar: Protester Freed, Journalists Demonstrate Against Censorship
The Malagasy online community was relieved to hear the news that Razily, a protester who was arrested in late March, was seen in public and he seems well and about. While much is still unknown about the circumstances of Razily's release, many bloggers hope that this event signifies the beginning of a return to normalcy with respect to the conduct of the country's security forces.
Yemen: A visit to Tarim
Yemeni blogger Omar Barsawad takes us on a trip to Tarim in this post, which is dotted with photographs.
Morocco: The Secret to Making Mint Tea
From Morocco, The View from Fez shares the secrets of making the “perfect Moroccan mint tea” in this photo post.
Egypt: El Korba Annual Festival Allows City's True Beauty to Shine
El Korba, one of the oldest Cairene districts, celebrated its fifth peace festival on Friday. Many Heliopolis and Cairo residents from different districts await this annual event, where they can enjoy themselves and indulge in the beauty of the all time over crowded Heliopolitan district - which is closed to traffic on the day. Entertainment and cultural activities are the order of the day, when peace and diversity meet in one place.
Bloggers raise funds for Brunei Special Olympics Team
In providing support to the Brunei Special Olympics team, local bloggers are creating awareness on the team’s forthcoming participation in the World Special Olympics in Athens in 2011. Major fundraising activities were held last May 3: a walkathon and bazaar.
Bahrain: Shameless Cruelty to Animals
Back to blogging after a long hiatus, Bahraini Mahmood Al Yousif lashes out at the way ‘poor unfortunate birds’ and animals are treated in his country. Click on the link...
Azerbaijan: Bloggers speak about Baku youth protest, detentions
Following a terrifying shooting spree at a Baku university which left 13 dead, students took to the streets to demand that a national day of mourning be declared in Azerbaijan. With the request falling on deaf ears, several youth activists, among them some bloggers, planned to protest the inaction, and specifically a festive holiday of flowers scheduled for 10 May. Many were detained.
Yemen: Touring Seiyoun
Yemeni Omar Barsawad takes us on this photo tour of Seiyoun, the largest urban centre and capital of Wadi Hadhramout. “It's famous for its splendid, intricately built mud bricked houses;...
Global Health: “Swine Flu” In Images
Though concerns over the "swine flu" outbreak have eased, the virus continues to spread throughout the world. The World Health Organization announced today that there are now 4,379 confirmed cases of the virus in 29 countries. Here are some images of the swine flu's impact globally.
Iran: Presidential candidate's painting
Mir Hussein Mousavi, former Prime Minister and one of leading candidates in Iranian presidential election is a painter too.In Setadnet blog you can see some of his paintings.
China: Car racing incident
On 7 of May, around 20:05, a 25 year-old young man Tan Zhuo (譚卓 see thumb nail photo) was hit and killed by a racing car when he was walking...
Russia: More Coverage of Moscow Fire
Some more blog coverage of the fire in Moscow: A YouTube video by Andrei Kharlanov, who is also posting updates (RUS) and photos on Twitter – @andreikharlanov; LJ user q-u-a-t-t-r-o...
Russia: Gas Pipeline Blast in Moscow
Russian bloggers are posting photos of the fire caused by a gas pipeline blast in Moscow a few hours ago: LJ user buchwurm, LJ user goodwine, LJ user principiale, LJ...
Morocco: Taking Care of Animals
The American Fondouk is an animal hospital in Fez, Morocco that was founded in the 1920s and is funded through the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (MSPCA). The hospital, which provides care for animals large and small, is staffed primarily by Moroccan veterinarians and staff members, however, it recently came up in the blogosphere due to the blogging efforts of a visiting veterinarian, Dr. Dan Biros of Boston. Dr. Biros, who specializes in opthamology for animals, has been chronicling his work at the Fondouk in an official blog.