Stories about Feature from June, 2015
A UK Shoe Shop Employee Crowdfunds More Than a Million Euros to Bail Out Greece (UPDATED)
"European ministers flexing their muscles and posturing over whether they can help the Greek people of not. Why don't we the people just sort it instead?"
Jailed in Singapore for Criticizing a Former Prime Minister, But Still Blogging
"Everyday my cellmates would eagerly wait for that light to dissipate, knowing that another day has passed, and they’re one day closer to attaining their freedom."
Who Are the 5.5 Million Facebook Fans of Chinese State Newspaper People's Daily?
Communist party mouthpiece People's Daily has millions of likes on Facebook, a social media platform that is blocked in China. Chinese netizens are wondering who those fans are.
Hashtags and User Networks in the Putin-Poroshenko Twitter Chatter
Network graphs reveal the associations between individual Twitter users in Russia and Ukraine and the hashtags they include in their tweets about presidents Putin and Poroshenko.
Same-Sex Couples in Mexico Win Another Victory Against Discrimination
"In this sense, the First Chamber reaffirmed that there exists no rational justification to deny access to marriage to homosexual couples..."
India's Justice System Is in a Sorry, Sorry State
There is slow, painfully slow and then there is India's judiciary.
‘Transitioning Cambodia’ Photo Book Illustrates Cambodia’s Uneven Development
"People tell us they are happy there is a book that looks at Cambodia as it is—not just the temples of Angkor or photos of children riding an oxcart."
Girl Group Goes Head-to-Head With Japanese Prime Minister Over Reinterpreting Constitution
A Japanese girl group's clash with municipal government highlights increasingly vocal opposition to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's government.
Copa América Shows How Little Love Chileans Have for President Bachelet
"It would've been much more honorable to present herself to the country and take the jokes stoically, but she decided to hide."
New Art Project Seeks to Paint the Lives Lost in Palestine
#BeyondWordsGaza seeks to paint the lives lost last summer in Palestine and donate the portraits to the families of the victims.
What Sailor Moon Means to Women All Over the World
Sailor Moon may seem like a cutesy cartoon intended just for anime maniacs, but a closer looks shows that the program includes themes of women's empowerment and independence.
What Can the #SaudiCables Tell Us About the Kingdom's Foreign Policy?
Information in the leaked cables range from issues with visas being granted by Saudi Arabia to female singers to regional and international policies. Reading the leaks you can reach several conclusions.
The Untold Story of Social Media and the 2015 Nigerian Elections
One of the reasons attributed to the support enjoyed by Muhammadu Buhari’s re-branding and eventual ascendancy to the presidency was his social media strategy.
The ‘Civic Death’ of Dominicans of Haitian Descent
Even though the deadline date for deportations has been extended, the future of Dominicans of Haitian descent remains uncertain, with many calling the DR's stance an attack on human rights.
Pope Francis’ Call to ‘Hear Both the Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor’ Resonates in the Philippines
Environmentalists in the country also called on the Vatican to divest from fossil fuels.
Police Shootings, Helicopter Crashes and Bystanders With Cameras: Weighing the Rights of ‘Accidental Journalists’
The rise in eye-witness documentation of police violence in the United States raises many interesting questions about the rights of witnesses and the public interest value of their work.
Bangladesh's Monsoon Season Arrives, Bringing Joy, Headaches and Wonderful Photos
The beginning of Monsoon season is something to celebrate but flooding causes major disruptions to people's day-to-day lives.
How a Facebook User in Thailand Was Sentenced to 50 Years in Jail for ‘Defaming’ the Monarchy
"How can they arrest Father? Father didn’t kill anybody; the judgment is excessive."
Hungry and on the Go in Mexico City? Reach for ‘Basket Tacos’
From Mexico to the world: "tacos de canasta" or "basket tacos". Although they may not be gourmet, they're certainly delicious. Let's take a look at their preparation and distribution.
Talking About Sexual Violence Against Women in Bangladesh, One Blog at a Time
After the country's New Year's celebrations were multiple sexual assaults, women opened up as part of a special Women's Week of Blogging campaign about their experiences with sexual violence.
Panama’s Kuna Community Has a Special Place for Its Albinos, the ‘Children of the Moon’
In some countries, albinos are harassed and even murdered, as symbols of bad luck and sorcery. The Gunas, however, treat their albino children with special respect, though they haven't always.