· October, 2010

Stories about Feature from October, 2010

India: Free Speech Or Sedition?

  31 October 2010

Indian novelist, essayist and activist Arundhati Roy's recent statement on Kashmir stirred a debate across India. Along-with Indian media, the Indian blogosphere and social networking sites have exploded with reactions for and against her statement.

Tanzania: 2010 General Elections Roundup

  29 October 2010

Tanzanians will go to the polls on 31 October 2010 to elect the President of the United Republic of Tanzania, President of Zanzibar, Members of Parliament and Members of the Zanzibar House of Representatives. This is a roundup of blog posts written by Tanzanian and non-Tanzanian bloggers about the elections.

Myanmar: “Boycott elections” campaign

  27 October 2010

The Myanmar elections will push through on November 7 despite the non-participation of opposition parties. Global Voices translates the statement of Myanmar citizens who will boycott the coming elections

Peru: Municipal Elections, Delays and the Electronic Vote

  27 October 2010

After over three weeks since the municipal elections, the people of Lima still didn't know for certain who would be their next mayor; a minimal difference between the candidates has put the spotlight on electronic voting, and the slow process brought forth all kinds of suspicions, doubts and even accusations of fraud attempts.

Myanmar's new flag and new name

  26 October 2010

Myanmar's new flag was unveiled for the first time last week. It also has a new name: it is now known as the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. Myanmar netizens are criticizing the design of the new flag. Some bloggers insist the flag represents only the army and not the people of Myanmar

France: Youth against Pension Reform

  26 October 2010

October 19 was the seventh consecutive day of nationwide demonstrations in France against the pension reform bill. As the foreign press is reporting the protests mainyl as a social conflict, broadcasting images of urban guerilla warfare and giving very little press to the reasons, bloggers go in depth about the motivation of the youth and its implications

Bangladesh: Land Grab And Protests

  25 October 2010

In Rupganj, Bangladesh land-owners protested acquiring of land for an army housing project and they clashed with the security forces leaving 50 people injured and one dead. Bloggers react angrily.

Chile: Natividad Llanquileo, voice of the Mapuche hunger strike

  25 October 2010

Natividad Llanquileo was the spokesperson of the Mapuche prisoners that were on hunger strike for more than 80 days; she is 26 years old and a law student. Media from different countries and social networks have been moved by this girl's image and steady voice that explains the hunger strike, the demands of the prisoners and the dignity of the Mapuche.

Global Voices seeks a Deputy Editor

  25 October 2010

We're seeking a Deputy Editor to help manage daily content flow in English. Global Voices in English is a central focal point for more than 400 bloggers and translators around the world who work together to report on blogs and citizen media everywhere, with emphasis on voices that are not ordinarily heard in international mainstream media.

Panama loses hosting rights of Bolivarian Games

  24 October 2010

In May, the Bolivarian Sports Organization (ODEBO) named Panama the host of the XVII Bolivarian Games, but this week the organization decided not to host the games there anymore. The news is causing reactions from authorities and Twitter users.

China: Looking at Xi Jinping, possible future ruler

  23 October 2010

As with all of China's top leaders, little is known or allowed to be known about the country's likely next ruler, Xi Jinping, despite a curious public. The man has lots of fans, though, and despite wide-ranging censorship, together they have a few important things to say about Xi and China's future.

China: My father is Li Gang!

  22 October 2010

The son of a deputy police director in Hebei province killed a young woman in a traffic accident on October 16 and reportedly shouted to an angry crowd, "Go ahead and sue me, my father is Li Gang". Now hundreds of people have been writing and sharing songs and poetry online in protest against bad behavior by offspring of government officials