· July, 2008

Stories about Feature from July, 2008

Italy: A National Registry for Roma People?

Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi's new right wing Cabinet recently launched plans to carry out a national registration of all Roma people in Italy, including fingerprints of all children. Italy is home to an estimated 150,000 Roma and Sinti people (often referred to as Gypsies). The ensuing, heated public debate over whether this measure amounts to racial discrimination is overflowing in the online space of Italy and beyond.

Turkey is Typing….Bomb Blasts in Istanbul

While the city of Istanbul enjoyed itself with a Metallica concert, the party died down with the news of a bombing in the Istanbul neighborhood of Güngören, leaving at least 17 people dead and over 150 people injured. Reactions to the news in the Turkish blogosphere were slow, but between speculation as to who is behind the attacks and protests against terrorism, one thing has become quite clear....this hasn't been the first time, and it sure won't be the last.

Costa Rica: Concerts, riots and concerns.

  29 July 2008

Journalist Cristian Cambronero from popular Costa Rican blog Fusil de Chispas posts a recount of Sunday's Concert where youth rioted and destroyed the campus of the Universidad Latina in the capital city of San José. It seems that when around 3000 of them were not allowed entrance to the free concert venue where already 5000 spectators were waiting for the concert some of the irate teens destroyed the university buildings, storefronts,dismantled cars, damaged the church in the vicinity, looted, threw chairs, rocks and bricks everywhere.

AIDS: XVII International Conference call for videos

  28 July 2008

The XVII International AIDS Conference will take place in Mexico City between August 3rd and the 8th, and Witness' THE HUB has a series of videos uploaded by community members and organizations reflecting diverse approaches to HIV-AIDS related issues. The innitiative is towards creating a repository of work, testimonies, video and photographs to be shared through their site before, during and after the conference.

Serbia: Demonstrators Attack Journalists in Belgrade

Starting with the night when Radovan Karadzic was arrested, nationalist group members and high-ranking officials of the Serbian Radical Party have been gathering in the streets of central Belgrade. Although there were police units nearby, on July 24 the protesters broke several store windows and brutally attacked journalists and cameramen of the "treacherous media." Below are some of the bloggers' responses and other public reactions, compiled and translated by Sinisa Boljanovic.

Brazil: Controversial nuclear project is given green light

  27 July 2008

Controversial Angra 3 reactor for Brazil's Nuclear Power Plant was given a pre-licence by the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA) last July 23, not before a series of 60 environmental terms were imposed by Environment Minister Carlos Minc.

Serbia: New Instructions and Law Regulations on Online Privacy

On July 21, Serbia’s Republican Agency for Telecommunications posted a Document of Instructions for Technical Requirements for Subsystems, Devices, Hardware and Installation of Internet Networks on their official web site. This news didn’t go unnoticed yesterday in Serbian blogosphere and internet community, as many bloggers expressed various opinions as well as disapproval because of the potential abuse of users’ privacy.

India: Ahmedabad Hit By Bomb Blasts

  26 July 2008

With barely a gap of 24 hours since the attack in Bangalore, another terrorist attack was witnessed today in the city of Ahmedabad in the state of Gujarat with sixteen...

USA: Longest Walk 2 for Native Americans rights

  25 July 2008

An 8,000-Mile Walk for Native American Rights, Environmental Protection, and to Stop Global Warming reached its destination in Washington, DC. A successful example of community-building and citizen media usage - including first-hand reports and poignant comments.

India: Bomb Blasts in Bangalore

  25 July 2008

Bangalore, the capital of the state of Karnataka, was hit by bomb blasts a few hours ago. Reports suggest that seven bombs went off in various parts of the city,...

Serbia: African Bloggers’ Reactions to Karadžić's Arrest

After news broke on Monday night that former Bosnian Serb leader and one of the world’s most wanted men Radovan Karadžić had been arrested, astonished bloggers in the Balkans and all around the world started reacting to the story. And because of the recent request by the ICC's prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo to indict Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir, some bloggers have been making comparisons between the two cases.

Global Voices Summit 2008: Photos and Thanks

  23 July 2008

Anyone who arrived in Budapest thinking the Global Voices Citizen Media Summit was going to be an ordinary conference, will have been seriously surprised. No one is more thankful than we are to everyone who traveled from far and wide to join us and share their stories. We've compiled choice quotes, links, and photos as a thank you to everyone who participated.

China: Bus-bomb attack creates panic and indignation

  22 July 2008

The bus-bomb attack on 17 shocked not only the city but also China, that people suddenly feel how close terrorism is. The attack is characterized by that it is against innocent people rather than the authority, making it special among the recent unrests. Is it a harbinger, or just another ramdom event?

Serbia: Local Bloggers Discuss the Arrest of Radovan Karadžić

Just a few days after the 13th anniversary of the massacre in Srebrenica, in which over 7,000 people, most of them Muslim civilians, were killed, Radovan Karadzic, former president of Republika Srpska, is arrested. Many bloggers from the Serbian blogosphere were surprised by the news. Below are the first reactions from some of them.