· February, 2014

Stories about Youth from February, 2014

INFOGRAPHIC: Pursuit of Happiness in Africa

  10 February 2014

The Afrographique blog mapped the happiness index for the African continent. Topping the ranking are Angola and Mauritius who hold the same happiness index as Albania and Russia, respectively. In related news, the Pharell’ single “Happy” has been used by dancers around the world to celebrate the new year 2014....

Trinidad & Tobago: Put Bullying in its Place

  4 February 2014

Why not teach kids that bullies are real, that assholes exist, and the proper way to deal with them, i.e. IGNORE THEM. Rob them of their power. Or, and here’s an even better one: STAND UP FOR YOURSELF. Rants of a Redman recommends taking the bully by the horns.