Stories about Youth from December, 2016
The Best of Latin American Info-Activism in 2016 (Part 1)
The best of Latin American info-activism did not fit into one post, so this will be the first of two articles discussing initiatives that sparked online fire throughout the region.
There Were Many Bright Spots to Be Found Amid the Doom and Gloom of 2016
Here's a list of 41 Global Voices stories about the strength and creativity of the human spirit, proving that 2016 wasn't an annus horribilis through and through.
This Was Also the Year of Citizen Heroes in Latin America
Global Voices reviews the Latin American stories in 2016 that taught us about fighting back.
Five Things Tearing Afghanistan Apart and the Local Proverbs That Help Explain Them
"The goat worries about his life, the butcher worries about the fat.”
Russia's Top Ten Memes in 2016
In the spirit of 2016, RuNet Echo risks spoiling everything in an effort to make sense of Russia's hottest Internet memes over the past year.
‘Keyboard Warriors’ Want To #TakeBackKenya
Even though police used teargas to disperse participants at the #TakeBackKenya walk in Nairobi, Kenyans are determined to speak out against corruption and bad governance.
Student Leaders Spark Hope for Change on Iran’s National Student Day
"Iran’s civil society and student movements remain a ray of hope, and indeed pride, for a nation that continues to struggle for change."
These Short Films by Young Cambodian Men Aim to Stop Sexual Harassment
Why stop sexual harassment? Young amateur filmmakers from Cambodia explored this question to encourage the public -- especially men -- to understand the impact of sexual harassment.
There Are Many Organizations in Caracas Trying to Change Things for the Better
Can people in small groups change the stories that are told in the Venezuelan capital? Civil organizations strongly say 'yes'.
Paraguay, Where Opening a University Is Easy, but Finishing a Degree Is Hard
The education crisis in Paraguay can also be seen at its private universities: institutions that see millionaire profits, with courses that are impossible to finish for many of the students.
Russian Journalists Fired for Reporting About a Children's Art Project That Ended at the Dump
If reports about children finding their homemade New Year's tree ornaments at the dump aren’t enough to rob you of your holiday cheer, perhaps this next detail will...
Caribbean Women Take Their Power Back by Sharing Stories of Sexual Abuse Via the #LifeinLeggings Hashtag
"#LifeinLeggings is the story of women AND girl children [...] A large number of the stories are of childhood events. [...] Measure the country's level of civilization against that."