Stories about Youth from February, 2013
Misogyny Still a Problem in Bangladesh
Dibarah shares her experience of being back home in Bangladesh after studying abroad for 3 years. She criticizes the prevailing misogyny and public sexual harassment that women have to face everyday. Rather...
First Crowdsourced News Site in Myanmar
A group of young programmers in Myanmar launched the country's first ever crowdsourced news site called “Buzz in Myanmar“. With the slogan “News for people, by people”, netizens are allowed...
Trinidad & Tobago: Tensions High After Fatal Car Crash Sparks Riots
Netizens from Trinidad and Tobago have been keeping an eye on the fallout over a car crash near the Central Market in Port of Spain on Sunday, which killed a mother and her two young children. The car was allegedly driven by an off-duty police officer. Residents of the area rioted following the incident; protests continued yesterday. Online discussion has also been heated.
African Nations Cup Anthem Celebrates Peace
On, Mansour Loum discusses “Sela Sela”, the song that was selected as the official anthem of the 29th edition of the 2013 African Nations Cup. The cup took place...
Syria: “Lens of a Young Homsi”, Photographs of a City under Siege
A group of young photographers from Homs has become an important source of information about the besieged Syrian city. In addition to letting the world know what's happening in Homs, they also receive daily requests from people who had to flee the city and want to know if their houses have been destroyed or not.
As Japan's Star Fades, Many Struggle for Hope
As Japan's economic growth continues to shrink each year, the Japanese, who find themselves more and more disconnected from their families and friends thanks to grueling works days and the Internet's erosion of personal relationships, are finding it difficult to put on a happy face.
MDG Consultations Held in Tajikistan
Blogger Teocrat calls [ru] on Tajikistan's young people to contribute to public consultations on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The aim of the consultations is to review progress towards the MDGs...
Evacuate the Children of Fukushima
Parents, residents and lawyers are taking to the streets demanding that their children by evacuated from Japan's Fukushima region, where they claim radiation levels continue to be high.
Hope on Horizon for Gays in China
Chengdu Living looks into the mindset of young people who, surprisingly, demonstrated an open attitude toward homosexuality despite their Chinese cultural background.
Brunei's ‘Nature Avengers’ Think Big
Green Brunei is a non-profit group that “promotes environmental education and creates awareness on environmental conservation and clean technology through media, activities and projects.” It aims to be the biggest...
“Ask Angy” Humanizes the Experience of Undocumented Immigrants
Angy Rivera shares her immigration story with the world in hopes of humanizing this complex experience, particularly in the United States. Two years ago she publicly announced that "she did not fear being undocumented," and since then she writes a column entitled Ask Angy, in which she responds to questions, doubts, and comments.
Japan's Porn Law is Strangling Artists
World renown Fashion photographer Leslie Kee was arrested for selling obscene images at his latest exhibition in Tokyo. But is his work art or porn? In this post we look at the regulation of 'offensive' artistic expression in Japan.
#Shahbag Protesters Bid Farewell to Brutally Murdered Blogger
As protesters continued their chants at Shahbag calling for Bangladesh's war criminals and affiliates of the Islamist party to be beheaded, one of their own, Ahmed Rajib Haider was brutally killed outside his home in capital city Dhaka on February 15, 2013.
Tax Holiday for Albanian Youth?
THREE YEAR TAX LIFT FOR EMPLOYED YOUTH In a significant boost to youth employment, the government will decide during the coming weeks about the lifting of taxes (social security, health and...
Bangladeshi Artists Capture Shahbag Protests in Cartoons
The protests in Shahbag square in Bangladesh's capital city, where thousands of people have gathered to demand death for war criminals, rage on for a 12th day. Several artists have put pen to paper to capture the movement in cartoons.
#Shahbag Blogger Hacked To Death
Engineer Ahmed Rajib Haider, a young blogger and online activist participating in the ongoing Shahbag movement in the Bangladesh capital Dhaka was brutally killed a few hours ago, reports Mamur...
Bangladesh Unites at Shahbag for 42-Year-Old War Crimes
Drop by drop, the Shahbag intersection in Bangladesh's capital city Dhaka has become an ocean of people, demanding justice for the atrocities committed during the country's 1971 liberation war and death penalty for war criminals.
Listening to Colours
Original de Vilaweb. Neil Harbisson és primer ciborg reconegut oficialment per un govern i el protagonista del documental guanyador al Festival Sundance 'Cyborg Foundation', del cineasta català Rafel Duran. Harbisson va néixer amb acromatòpsia, una condició que li impedeix distingir els colors. Aquest artista visual i compositor, amb l'ajuda d'un enginyer, va inventar l'Eyeborg, un dispositiu que li serveix per percebre les freqüències que emeten els colors.