Stories about Youth from July, 2006
Indonesia: Chinese Valentine's Day
Indonesian blogger Christine Susanna Tjhin, currently a student in China, talks about the traditional Chinese Valentine's Day. This year, the day falls on 31 July.
Russia: “Mystery Illness” in Chechnya
David McDuff of A Step At A Time has translated a Prague Watchdog/Radio Free Liberty broadcast on the “mystery illness” that affected more than 100 children in Shelkovsky district.
Latvia: Baltica Festival
Dykun posts footage from the Baltica Festival in Latvia: “More specifically, this is footage of two groups from Latgale. Latgale is a region of Latvia that has long fascinated me;...
This Week In Palestinian Blogs: World On Fire
While the flames of war engulf Lebanon, Gaza is still under attack. Many of the victims have been Palestinian children, some barely a year old; and as their families prepare...
Landing at the Iraqi Blogodrome
With all the war and suffering I just don't feel like blogging. But todays post is important and I feel it is my duty to write it. If you read...
The Week That Was in Bahrain
Local events took the sidelines as Bahrain bloggers turned their attention to the war ravaging Lebanon this week.
Russia: Andrei Sychyov's Case
Sean's Russia Blog posts an update on Andrei Sychyov's case and writes about cruelty in the Russian army.
Russia, Ukraine: Stories About Words
Below is the translation of three stories about words: in the first one, they are being banned; in the second, they offend; in the third, there aren't enough of them....
Myanmar: Love and Relationship in Myanmar
Dawn in Myanmar takes a look at love and relationship in Myanmar and how people are holding on some traditions while some things are changing.
Liberia: Firestone under fire
In honor of Liberian independence day, Black Looks highlights a campaign to persuade U.S. tyre maker Firestone to clean up its operations in Liberia, spearheaded by the Friends of the...
China: school close down
Peijin Chen in Shanghaiist puts together reports and commentaries concerning the shut down of a school because of high tuition fees. “The story of this school illuminates interesting issues confronting...
Armenia: Military Training
ArmYouth Blog discusses the possible motives for the introduction of military training at younger ages in Armenian schools.
Belarus: Blogosphere Digest
TOL's Belarus Blog posts a “Belarusian blogosphere digest” for July 18-26.
Belarus: A Youth Movement and Other Enemies
TOL's Belarus Blog writes about a new oppositional youth movement, Bunt, and the current regime's actions against its activists. Also, there's an entry about an attack on a Latvian diplomat...
Taiwan: student in hunger strike
A student Li Wen-zhen has been sitting at CKS memorial Hall for more than a month to protest against Taiwan president Chen Shui-bian's suspected corruption. Six days ago, he started...
South Korea: remodel broken house
Days in Daechuri shows a series of pictures on how young people are remodelling the broken house in Daechuri: “Korean government said they are planning to drive all of the...
Russia: Disagreements Over Beslan Memorial
Founder of Marina Litvinovich (LJ user abstract2001) writes (RUS) about one of the problems that survivors and relatives of those who died in Beslan in September 2004 have to...
Belarus: Youth Activists Attacked
TOL's Belarus Blog writes about what seems like the beginning of a wave of attacks on youth activists.
Russia: Nashi Movement's Seliger Summer Camp
Sean's Russia Blog writes about the daily routine at the Nashi movement's summer camp: “To older Russians the similarities to the Soviet era are striking. They should be. It seems...
Belarus: Scholarship Fraud and Brain Drain
TOL's Belarus Blog writes about scholarship fraud and the connection between scholarships and brain drain.
Hong Kong: youth participation in politics
T-Salon has translated an article by a member of legislative council, Margaret Ng, on the Lack of Youth Participation in Hong Kong Politics.