· November, 2007

Stories about Women & Gender from November, 2007

Japan: Sumie Kawakami Interview

  26 November 2007

David Marx from Neojapanisme posts an interview with Sumie Kawakami, author of Goodbye Madame Butterfly: Sex, Marriage and the Modern Japanese Woman.

Bahrain: Losing its identity?

  23 November 2007

This week in Bahrain we have opinions on Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's visit, a blogger's dilemma about whether to have a female friend, another getting stuck between his wife-to-be and her family, a call for more Islamic bloggers, and a fear that Bahrain won't stay Bahraini for much longer...

India: Take Back The Tech

  23 November 2007

Conversations with Dina writes about Take Back The Tech. “This is a collaborative campaign by ICT users, advocates, collectives and organisations that take issue with the prevalence of Violence Against...

Brazil: Violence against woman

  23 November 2007

Marcelo Tas [pt] compares two recent incidents of violence against women in different parts of the planet. In Abaetetuba, Brazil, a teenager was incarcerated in a cell with 20 male...

Japan: Kids these days

  23 November 2007

What do you do when you've had enough of young girls sitting on the floor of the train, talking on their phone and acting like it's their home, when meanwhile you've had a gruelling day at work and just want to get through? One 35-year-old man in Yokohama decided that he'd had enough and kicked the 17-year-old girl sitting and chatting with friends beside him. Bloggers had mixed opinions about the incident, but the majority seemed to be sympathetic.

Iran: Arrest and Destruction

  21 November 2007

The Iranian government has continued its policy of repression against women's rights activists and Sufi Muslims in recent weeks. Maryam Hosseinkhah, a women’s rights activist and journalist was arrested a few days ago, and a Sufi Muslims’ Center was destroyed by security forces about one week ago.

Azerbaijan: Trafficking

  20 November 2007

Blogian says that war and conflict often prevents Armenians and Azeris from looking at the similarities between the two nations. Unfortunately, one thing that both Armenia and Azerbaijan have in...