· July, 2007

Stories about Women & Gender from July, 2007

Sri Lanka: Illegal Abortions

  31 July 2007

Beyond Borders on the consequences of abortion being illegal in Sri Lanka – pointing out that the 300,000 illegal abortions in the country are a silent genocide if a person...

Jordan: Sexual Diseases

  29 July 2007

Jordanian Hareega has been transfered to the sexually transmitted diseases clinic – as a doctor- and has spilled some beans here. Hareega works in the US.

Palestine: The Plight of Women

Instead of the usual political banter, this week's view into the Palestinian blogosphere will focus on women - join Jillian York for a glimpse into what female bloggers (or those blogging about females) are thinking.

Touring Libyan Blogs: Health Sector, Old Ladies, Confrontating a Racist Bully, Globetrotting and Another Libyan Writer

The case of the Bulgarian nurses (and the Palestinian doctor) is already fading into history - while speculation rages if they have been bought off, whether they were guilty or not, if they were hostage to a political settlement in the New World Order or who is it exactly that defused the situation? One thing is sure on this side of the world is that their innocence or the lack of it has not been proven 100 per cent. However, in the interest of self preservation Libyans are moving on, writes Fozia Mohamed.