Stories about Women & Gender from June, 2006
Jamaica: Land of unfettered breasts?
Francis Wade examines the feelings invoked by the sight of bra-less women in Jamaica and tries to figure out the rationale behind the eschweing of foundation garments.
India: Women and their Period
Nikita has a post on the perceived impurity of women during their menstrual cycle. No access to places of worship, treated as an untouchable and more.
Immigration, Exile and Motherland!
Since the 1979 revolution millions of Iranian for various reasons have left Iran and started a new life somewhere else on this planet. Several university educated bloggers share their reasons...
Arabisc: Arabic Bloggers Ken, War and Women Rights
Summer holidays, women rights, war in Iraq and war in Palestine. These are some of the permanent scene in the Arabic language blogsphere these days. Here is some of what...
Uganda: Josephy Kony is officially nuts
Jay's Idle Notes comments on Joseph Kony “Its official he's nuts” – nuts as in murderous, raping , psychopath –
Kenya: Womyn
Feminist African Sisters moves to a new site – “Go forth my sisters and be proud to be a woman”
India: Baby in Bangalore
Sujatha has some notes on having a baby in Bangalore. For those of you considering having babies in Bangalore (especially those that have had babies in other countries and are...
China: What expats read
What do expats in China most like to read? The ‘hottest blog’ for June at was Sex and Shanghai, a British man's explicit accounts of all the woman he...
China: Braving breast cancer
“They meet for tea and chip in,” writes OneManBandwith blogger Lonnie Hodge of a close group of terminal breast cancer patients in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou in ‘The...
China: Hopes, one day
Journalist-blogger Taras posts a list [zh] today of all the things he hopes yet to do: 1. Be a foreign correspondent in any country; 2. Find the one thing that...
Kuwait: To the Kuwaiti Women
It Kuwait parliament elections eve, the first election with women participation. Jelly Belly dedicate a post to the Kuwaiti women who fought for their political rights.
China: When cops tail you
MSN Spaces blogger Zeng Jinyan [zh], wife of prominent and oft-harassed AIDS activist Hu Jia, has been writing extensively of female reproductive rights activist Chen Guangcheng who was abducted by...
Debate on women’s rights and freedom in the Bangla blogosphere
What do the terms ‘women’s rights’ or ‘women’s liberation’ really stand for in today's context? This age-old debate has again raised its head in the Bangla blogosphere.
Jamaica: Female Don
“Sasha Payne (what an appropriate name) is being hailed as the next don for the troubled Havana community in Arnett Gardens. She is so notorious that the police have put...
Poland: “Sex Slaves” Rumor
The beatroot writes that despite the worries of “Polish nuns, green feminists and George W. Bush,” there are no 100,000 East European “sex slaves” servicing the World Cup fans in...
Bermuda: Stained glass ceiling
Bermuda's Anglican Bishop Ewen Rattray's continued opposition to the ordination of women doesn't surprise the Limey, who takes the opportunity to air his own views.
Martinique: Coming Out Advice
Le Blog de [Moi] encourages (Fr) local lesbians to accept their sexuality: “Know that being homosexual doesn't rime (no longer rimes?) with being unhappy (…) If one day (…) “they...
India: Army and the Women
The army appears to suggest that women are not necessary or invited. One blogger thinks that is the right line to take. Annie responds to the controversy by suggesting why...
Female Suicide in China
The Peking Duck blogs about high female suicide attempt in China. They may not bind their feet anymore, but many women, especially in the countryside, still endure what amounts to...
Iraq: “Brilliant” new blog!
At Iraq Blog Count a group of contributors keep a tally of, yes, you've guessed it, blogs in Iraq. The latest addition, Baghdad Chronicle, gets a rave review: Woah, I...
World: Mothers and blogs
Mommy blogs, and women in the blogosphere discussed at the Morph blog.