Stories about War & Conflict from November, 2013
#StopPrawlerPlan: Activists Against Destruction of Palestinian Villages Arrested in Israel
Prawer shall not pass, yelled protesters today at a Day of Rage against the Prawer Plan, which if implemented will displace Palestinian Bedouins living in Al Naqab.
France Replaces Central African Republic Ambassador on the Eve of Military Drive
France is set to send an additional 1,000 troops to the Central African Republic to prevent an escalation of the conflict in the region. So it came as a bit of a...
Thailand Catching Fire as Anti-Government Protests Intensify
More than 100,000 anti-government protesters have stormed the streets of Bangkok in the past three days. Tensions rose when protesters occupied several government buildings
Machismo and Old Prejudices Keep Mexican Rape Victims Silent
One woman is raped every four minutes in Mexico. This crime, like violence in the country, has become more brutal in recent years. Fundación MEPI reports.
Honduras: Over 600 Femicides in 2012
A woman is killed in Honduras an average of once every fourteen and a half hours according to the Violence Observatory of the National Autonomous University of Honduras. The group...
Thousands Applaud Iran's Nuclear Dealmaker Javad Zarif on Facebook
Thousands of Iranians poured comments of praise on the Facebook page of Iran's Foreign Minister thanking him for brokering a nuclear deal.
Closure for Russian Terror Victims?
Was the mastermind behind the Volgograd bus bombing killed by Russian special forces or captured by Dagestani civilians?
PHOTOS: Five Stories About Syrian Refugees You Need to Know
Rami Al Hames selects five stories through photographs to illustrate the hard and real life that Syrians refugees are facing away from their homes.
Video: Harasta/Syria massive blast captured on camera
An unconfirmed video posted by Syria Archives 2013 on November, 17th shows a massive blast in Harasta, a city and northeastern suburb of Damascus, Rif Dimashq, Syria, in a government...
Bicycles as a Solution in the Streets of Damascus
Hundreds of photographs showing Syrian men and women riding bikes have swamped the world wide web. Find out why.
Bangladesh: Is Restorative Justice the Best Way Forward?
In the backdrop of Bangladesh’s violent history of birth, ongoing violent political practices, and high rates of homicide, mob violence, neighborhood/street violence, violent labor unrests, family violence and intimate partner...
China, Stop Calling Uyghur Muslims Terrorists
Uyghur people are more and more often associated with the term "terrorist" in China. Such labeling has turned random individual criminal acts into the collective responsibility of an ethnic minority.
Australian Prime Minister Downplays Sri Lankan Torture Allegations
Many Australians were flabbergasted by Prime Minister Tony Abbott's conciliatory remarks about torture and other human rights abuses allegedly committed by the Sri Lankan government
Polish Right-Wing Nationalists Hijack Country's Independence Day
Poland's National Independence Day, traditionally celebrated on November 11, ended in violence this year during a march organized by a nationalist movement. Police detained around a dozen individuals.
War Through the Viewfinder of an Army Photographer
What does a soldier see and experience in war and in routine military operations? British Army Corporal Simon Longworth responds to that question every day in his job as an...
Syrian Journalist Abdulwahab Mulla Kidnapped in Liberated Aleppo
Citizen journalist and satirist Abdulwahab Mulla, 24, was kidnapped from his house in Aleppo’s liberated area by unidentified masked gunmen. Netizens appeal for his release.
Sadness and Anger in Kidal, Mali
Blogger Wirriyamu mourns the two French journalists killed [fr] in Kidal, Mali. But beside his immense sadness, Wirriyamu also feels angry at seeing Northern Mali left helpless yet again to...
Turk-Arab Youth Congress: Middle East Needs Greater Regional Cooperation
Global Voices author from Pakistan Fakiha Hassan Rizvi attended the 2nd Turk Arab Youth Congress (TAYC) held in Istanbul, Turkey on Oct 25-27, 2013 and reports what she learned.
In Response to Danny Ayalon: The REAL Truth about Palestine
In a video released in July 2011, Israeli Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Danny Ayalon offered his version of the “Israel Palestinian Conflict: The Truth About the West Bank”. In...
China's People Liberation Army Propaganda on Sino-U.S Relation
Andrew Chubb from South Sea Conversation highlighted a “leaked” documentary video produced for China's People Liberation Army on U.S foreign politics and its role in the disintegration of former USSR...
Russians Remember the Nord-Ost Hostage Siege, 11 Years Later
Russians are no strangers to terrorism, but there's always something strange about every passing anniversary of the country's worst terrorist attacks.