· November, 2011

Stories about War & Conflict from November, 2011

Iran: British Embassy in Tehran Attacked

  30 November 2011

On 29 November, a crowd of about 1,000 people demonstrated near the British embassy in Tehran after Britain cut all financial ties with Iran over concerns about its nuclear program. The gathering was peaceful, before some participants stormed the building.

Iran: “Police brutality toward the protesters”

  30 November 2011

Hamid Darvishi, a pro-regime student who was among those who raided UK compounds in Tehran, describes [Fa] police brutality toward the protesters: “Our wild brothers in police were beating us...

Iran: The Storming of the British Embassy

  29 November 2011

Somayeh Tohidlou, talks about the storming of British Embassy compounds by Iranian protesters. She writes [fa] in Friendfeed: “Are they wrong about the date? This is 2011, not 1979 [when...

Iran: Raid on UK embassy

  29 November 2011

Amin Sabeti, blogger, linked to a picture which shows a man taking a poster of Pulp Fiction movie out of the UK embassy, wrote [Fa] in his Friendfeed page: “Look...

Iran:“Battlefield 3″ in Tehran

  28 November 2011

Ali Nazifpour, believes Battlefield 3, a video game which includes a search for nuclear bombs in a future Iran, portraits a very inaccurate, ridiculous picture of Iran.An online petition launched...

Vietnam: Deadly Legacy of Agent Orange

  27 November 2011

De Tran writes about the deadly legacy of agent orange in Vietnam. During the Vietnam War, more than 20 million gallons of herbicide were sprayed over the rural communities and...

Egypt: Summing up the Second Wave of Protests So Far

  25 November 2011

Miran Hosny sums up the recent second wave of protests in Egypt. The death toll is allegedly just shy of 40 and Central Security Forces and police have reportedly continued their attack-and-retreat dance with Egyptian protestors, blasting them with tear gas and other chemical gases that are as yet unidentifiable.

Cuba: Siding with Syria

  23 November 2011

Bloggers comment on Cuba's opposition against a United Nations General Assembly resolution condemning Syria for human rights violations, here and here.

Egypt: The Revolution is Back!

  21 November 2011

Up to 100,000 people are said to be in Tahrir Square now, as police and the army continue to battle with protesters calling for an end to Egypt's military rule. Protesters have had running battles with the armed gunmen serving the Egyptian government since Friday.