Stories about War & Conflict from February, 2009
DRC: Police raise revenue, but whom are they keeping safe?
In the DRC, Cedric Kalonji questions the Inspector General of the South Kivu police who, in a recent radio interview, pledged that the police were committed to raising revenue through...
Azerbaijan: Sumgait
The Armenian Observer posts video from 21 years ago showing rioters in Sumgait during an anti-Armenian pogrom which left 26 ethnic Armenians and 6 Azeris dead.
Bangladesh: Why The BDR Massacre?
Shada Kalo analyzes the motives behind the BDR (Border guards) mutiny in Bangladesh and discusses the intelligence and negotiation failures as the horror of massacre of army officers by the...
Bangladesh: Massacre Cannot be Justified
“What do you call it when a group of ‘disgruntled’ BDR soldiers [Bangladesh border guards] started their expression of grievances by open-firing on the commissioned army officers? Mutiny? Rebellion? Revolt?...
Bangladesh: Mutiny Is Over, But Question Remains
Yesterday it was a tensed day in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. The 33-hour long mutiny and siege by aggrieved lower rank officers of paramilitary forces BDR ended as they...
Arab Bloggers Rally Against the Judaization of Jerusalem
As Israeli authorities evict Arab residents and demolish their houses in Jerusalem, Arab bloggers are set on not letting this pass unnoticed. Another blogger calls for designating a week to blog for Jerusalem.
Azerbaijan: Thoughts on Khodjali
Following on from an earlier post, Sheki, Azerbaijan posts a photograph of a monument dedicated to those killed in the massacre of civilians in Khodjali, an Azeri inhabited town, during...
Azerbaijan: Khodjali Anniversary
Sheki, Azerbaijan marks the 17th anniversary of the massacre of hundreds of civilians in the Azeri-inhabited town of Khodjali during the conflict with Armenia over the disputed territory of Nagorno...
Syria: Violation of Terms of Service
Syrian Hosam Akras writes that WordPress has disabled a blog which lists Israel's “crimes against humanity” because it did not comply with its terms of service.
Iraq: A different Baghdad
Mosul-based Moma visited Baghdad – and wasn't happy with the changes in her old neighbourhood.
Iraq: Blogger's Birthday and Closed School
Sunshine, from Iraq, celebrates her 17th birthday, in a war-torn Iraq. Also in this post, Sunshine tells us why her school was closed.
Bangladesh: Citizen Journalists Covering BDR Mutiny
Today morning Dhaka was rattled by a fierce gun battle inside the headquarters of Bangladesh Rifles (BDR – paramilitary border security force) situated in the heart of the capital. Rumors...
Palestine: Canada Speaking Tour
Palestinian blogger and journalist Laila El-Haddad starts a speaking tour in Canada on March 2.
Bangladesh: BDR Mutiny And Gunfires
Unheard Voice is live blogging and posting pictures of gunfires and battles inside the headquarters of Bangladesh Rifles (BDR), the paramilitary forces of Bangladesh. Apparently this is a mutiny and...
Pakistan: Media Responsible
Thinking Out of the Box blames irresponsible journalism by a section of Pakistani media for the current state of affairs in Pakistan.
Sudan: Mourning a Great Novelist and Musings on the ICC
After a long absence, a number of fascinating Sudanese bloggers, return to the blogosphere to rant, share their thoughts on recent events and vent. They're included in this roundup along with the usual suspects. After a frustrated rant about Khartoum International Airport's unhygienic condition, Sudanese Optimist mourned the passing of the respected and well-known Sudanese novelist, Al-Tayeb Saleh.
Korea: Hillary Clinton's Visit
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited Korea. Rather than any other issues, North Korean issues were the major topic. Some people welcomed her on the street, raising signs, “Welcome,...
Sri Lanka: Failure Of LTTE comments on the failure of LTTE tactics: “they are a successful crime syndicate but not successful representative for the Tamil people. And I’m obviously not telling Tamil people who...
Armenia: Nationalist agitation in Georgia
Writing on the new Frontline Club blog, Global Voices Online's Caucasus Regional Editor reports on plans to hold a demonstration outside the Georgian Embassy in Yerevan, Armenia. The blog says...
Afghanistan: Prison, Poverty and Politics
While the Obama administration has announced that an additional 17,000 troops will be sent to Afghanistan to confront the rising insurgency, Afghan bloggers keep talking about the daily challenges facing...
Palestine: Attacks On Gaza Continue
Despite the announcement of unilateral ceasefires by both Israel and Hamas, attacks by the Israeli military on Gaza continue while Palestinian factions have been launching rockets into Israel. In this post we hear the latest from Gaza's blogs.