Stories about Travel from July, 2011
Vietnam: TEDx Mekong
TEDx Mekong will take place on August 18 in Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam. This year's theme is “Entrepreneurship in Vietnam”
Poland: Art of Travelling the Polish Way
Michael Dembinski of W-wa Jeziorki instructs his readers on how to travel by night train in Poland and what to think of.
Lesotho: Discover Lesotho
Watch a video of Episode 4 of Discover Lesotho: “In this episode of Discover Lesotho Palesa takes us to the Liphofung Caves of Butha-Buthe guided by Mohau. This place is...
Ukraine: Survival of the Stolovaya
The Pickle Project discusses a visit at one of the few remaining public stolovayas – soviet style lunch canteens – in Crimean city of Yalta.
Kenya: Follow 10 International Bloggers Visiting Kenya
Follow 10 international bloggers visiting Kenya: “This week, ONE is joining 10 bloggers who are making their way through Kenya to see what life is really like for moms in...
Armenia: The Barber of Ashtarak
Ianyan pays a visit to Ashtarak, a small city just outside Yerevan, the Armenian capital, and a local barber's shop. The blog posts photographs and a brief account of the...
Philippines: Photos of fishing village
Art Radar Asia features the photo exhibit of Wahoo Guerrero about the lives of fisherfolk in a coastal village in the Philippines.
EU, Poland: Airport Body Scanners; Shaminder Puri's Case
Dominika Bychawska-Siniarska of Europe of Human Rights writes on about airport body scanners, “human dignity” and the case of Shaminder Puri, a British Sikh who was harassed at the...
Chile: Mapuche Influence in Purén
In Don't Call Me Gringa Emily blogs about Purén, a town in the Araucanía Region, in an area “home to the country’s main indigenous population, the Mapuche”. Emily writes about...
Azerbaijan: Fascinated by Georgia
Şüarımız GƏLƏCƏK! [AZ] travels to Georgia and becomes charmed by the beauty and “scent of democracy” the country offers in the region. The blogger notes that while his home country...
Should Singapore Nationalize its Transport System?
The petition of Singapore’s private transport operators for a fare increase has sparked a debate on whether it's time to nationalize the country's transportation system. Bloggers react to the proposal to create a National Transport Corporation
Belarus: East and West and Nothing in Between?
"East is East and West is West, and never the twain shall meet." This chronically misused Kipling phrase seems to catch the realities for an increasing number of Belarusians, who, waking to a wild and hostile world, are asking: "Who cares about Belarus?"
Botswana: Ocean in the Desert
Read about Kelly's experiences of ocean in the desert in Botswana: “The Makgadikadi Pans are the largest salt pans in the world, located in the Kalahari Desert near the centre...
China: Death on the High Speed Rail
C. Custer from China Geeks has a post updating the discussion on the high speed rail crash.
Jamaica: Suspect Charged in BMW Murder
Active Voice is disappointed with the Jamaican media's lack of information about Patrick Powell in the wake of his being charged in the “X6″ murder; she provides an update on...
Georgia: Diversity in motion
Unable to visit each other's country because of the still unresolved conflict over the disputed territory of Nagorno Karabakh, Reader in Baku comments on meeting with Armenians on neutral ground...
Guatemalan Women Misrepresented by Guatemala's Tourism Board
“Please help me comprehend what’s wrong with our indigenous women that Guatemala’s Tourism Board hires light-skin ladinas and white women to represent our women? I need help understanding what’s wrong...
Jamaica: BMW Owner Charged
Active Voice reports that the man who owns the BMW involved in a teen's killing has finally been charged by police, adding: “This case will go down in history as...
Nepal: Riding Bicycle To Prove A Point
Dr. Divas has started to ride a bicycle and he wants to prove a point to the people of Kathmandu that regardless of social status you can ride a bicycle...
Pakistan: Motorbiking From San Francisco to Lahore
Sonya Rehman writes about the journey of 24-year old Moin Khan, who has embarked on a motorbike tour from San Francisco to Lahore. Moin will be updating his Facebook page...
Singapore's old playgrounds
just rambling creates a google map of Singapore's old playgrounds.