Stories about Travel from May, 2010
Ecuador: Tungurahua Volcano Erupts and Spreads Ash
In Ecuador, the Mama Tungurahua volcano erupted on Friday, May 28 canceling school classes, closing the international airport, forcing some residents to evacuate their towns, and spreading ash all across the region.
Vietnam: Eating “Op la” in Saigon
Eating Asia blogs about Saigon's op la dish (fried eggs cooked with various sausages).
India: Second Class Rail Travel
Lazy Pineapple at Desicritics shares how second class rail travel in India is like.
Bangladesh: What To Miss About The Country
Amanda Ferrandino, an US Fullbright scholar, is finishing her study in Bangladesh and lists 14 things she will miss about Bangladesh when she goes back home.
Chile: Suggestions from Tourists
In the city of Arica, Chile, blogger Tomás Bradanovic says “we should listen to the tourist [es],” because he has been receiving emails from tourists visiting and who have plenty...
Bangladesh: The First Bangladeshi Conquers Everest reports that Musa Ibrahim has become the first Bangladeshi to conquer the Mount Everest, the highest mountain on Earth.
India, Pakistan: Crossing The Border By Bus
The blogger at The life and times of two Indians in Pakistan writes about the painful ordeal of crossing the India-Pakistan border on road.
India: Outrage At Mangalore Plane Crash
An Air-India Express plane arriving from Dubai has crashed in Mangalore Bajpe airport in south India, killing most of the 166 people on board. It is the first major crash in India for some years, but many bloggers and Twitter users are not surprised at the news.
Denmark: Flashmob for a Bus Driver's Birthday
A video of a surprise flashmob to celebrate a bus driver's birthday forms part of a professional social media campaign to promote public bus transit in Denmark.
Russia: Photos of Grozny
LJ user greedyspeedy posts the first installment of photos of Grozny, Chechnya, taken in April, and writes (RUS) in the comments: “This photo report is about the glossy Grozny; I'll...
Egypt: A day in Alexandria
Andrew Heiss, American student doing his Middle East Studies at the American University of Cairo, described his day trip to Alexandria with his family. He also shared pictures of the...
Peru: Lima Electric Train Project Resumes
The Lima electric train project has resumed, and as a result, 26 cement pillars have been demolished because of a new project design writes Living in Peru.
Ukraine: Village Life
The Pickle Project posts a photo report from a village not far from Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine.
Jamaica: 10 Things about Calabash
Tallawah blogs about “10 random things about the Calabash [International Literary Festival] experience” that he looks forward to each year.
Eritrea: Put Eritrea back on the map
Put Eritrea back on the map, please!: “In the April 29 Travel section (European edition), the article titled “Lots to sample in South Africa” was accompanied by a map of...
Russia: Photos From Victory Day in Moscow
May 9 photo reports from Victory Day celebrations in Moscow (RUS) – by LJ user chistoprudov (here) and LJ user zyalt (here, here, and here).
Czech Republic: “Top Ten Daytrips From Brno”
The Journeys of Captain Oddsocks recommends “top ten daytrips from Brno.”
Africa: Traveling in Africa with a blog
Border Jumpers is a blog written by Bernard Pollack and Danielle Nierenberg as they travel in Africa.
Photo Contest of CSIS Southeast Asia Program
The CSIS Southeast Asia Program is organizing a photo contest to feature images taken in Southeast Asia that demonstrate the importance of communication and cooperation – across countries, races and...
Guyana: Portuguese Past
Repeating Islands highlights an article by “Sr. Mary Noel Menezes, a Sister of Mercy and an emeritus professor at the University of Guyana [who] gives a historical account of Portuguese...
Trinidad & Tobago: All That Jazz
MEP Caribbean Publishers reviews the recently-concluded 2010 Tobago Jazz Festival.