· May, 2006

Stories about Technology from May, 2006

Caribbean: What blogging is for

  30 May 2006

“Blogging … challenges the elitism that pervades the Caribbean and is a great experiment in the democratization of data,” says Geoffrey Philp in a thoughtful essay on the potential role...

Japan: Radio station webcast

  30 May 2006

from the inside, looking in blogger Shinichiro Fukushige links in a post today to the announcement of one of Tokyo's most popular radio stations’ long overdue internet broadcast.

Japan: Net user surveys

  30 May 2006

Two recent surveys from Ken Y-N at What Japan Thinks reveal some facts about Japanese netizens: that net-based telephony service Skype is not making inroads there, and that ninety percent...

Kenya: innovations

  30 May 2006

Kikuyumoja’s realm searches for a hands free mobile phone holder for his car in Nairobi and comes up with an excellent innovative alternative to commerical products.

China: Jailed journalist campaign

  29 May 2006

myrick at Asiapundit blogs on Amnesty International's new irrepressible.info campaign which aims to protect free speech on the internet, and a parallel campaign to see jailed journalist Shi Tao set...

Bahamas: Ignoring the revolution

  29 May 2006

“These days, it is possible to link to other human beings anywhere in the world by using satellites, cell phones, and the internet. The world has changed, and – without...

China: Technorati learns Chinese

  26 May 2006

Welcome news on Danwei today of Technorati's announcement of a partnership with public relations firm Edelman which will see an increase of the blog aggregator's services to include five new...