· March, 2005

Stories about Technology from March, 2005

How to set up a free videoblog

26 March 2005

(Corrected with more info.) It looks pretty easy, for anybody from anywhere. Thanks to these simple instructions created by Michael Verdi and emailed to GV by Peter Van Dijck. Peter...

NewsILike and Aggregator Artistry

  15 March 2005

I'm experimenting with NewsILike.com, a new aggregator site put together by a team that includes Jim Moore, Berkman colleague, Darfur activist, and Global Voies ally. Jim introduces the concept of...

Media access to the Madrid Summit

  9 March 2005

Martín Varsavsky, our host at the International Summit on Democracy, Terrorism and Security, has been handling some awkward questions about media access to the summit. Over thirteen hundred journalists were...

Internet, Democracy & Terrorism

  9 March 2005

Ethan Z and I (among others) are Madrid now, at the Safe Democracy conference, where people from around the world have gathered to discuss how you fight terrorism without destroying...

Civiblog – Blog Hosting for Civil Society

3 March 2005

Global Voices collaborator Joi Ito has just joined the advisory board of Civiblog, a project designed to give blogs to civil society organizations around the world. Run by Citizen's Lab...