Stories about Religion from October, 2022
Indonesia rallies to support women in Iran amid concerns over rising domestic conservatism
As protestors gathered to support Iran, some activists warn that rising conservatism in parts of Indonesia means that women in Indonesia could lose their own right to choose
‘A girl with a Hindu heart’
"I have what I have, which is as much as so many daughters and sons and children of Lakshmi have in the diaspora [when] they lack community ... I have my heart."
In Trinidad & Tobago, Divali remains a festival beloved by people of all faiths
After a tweet recounts an intolerant comment about Divali, social media users overwhelmingly speak out for respect and tolerance: "Do onto others are you would like them do onto you."
Iranian protest crackdown targets ethnic minorities
Like the Baloch, Iran's Kurdish population is predominately Sunni Muslim, and as a result, they experience systematic racial and religious discrimination.
Supporters hold rallies around the world in solidarity with the Iranian people
As the protest movement in Iran continues, rallies in solidarity with the Iranian people’s struggle for freedom and justice were held in more than 150 cities worldwide over the weekend.
Catholics and evangelicals may get to decide Brazil's next president
Brazil's leading presidential candidates have adopted strategies to attract the support of evangelicals and Catholics.