· March, 2007

Stories about Religion from March, 2007

India: On the shariah

  31 March 2007

Indian Muslims on the shariah, law, state and culture. “I firmly believe that in this present day world shariah laws cannot be enforced on people because Muslim society in general...

Bangladesh: On Hizbut Tahrir

  31 March 2007

Rezwan on the Hizbut Tahrir. “Hizbut Tahrir, a global student organization which is very active among UK (including Bangladeshi community there) established their base in Bangladesh a few years ago....

Jamaica: African/Brazilian Connection

  30 March 2007

Geoffrey Philp's Blogspot covers Joel Gondim's presentation “Color, Identity, and Candomblé in Brazil,” in which he explores how the African connection to Brazil manifests itself in food, music, and religion.

Zimbabwe: taking gospel too far!

  29 March 2007

Is putting your hands up in the air illegal in Zimbabwe?: The Media and Information Commission (MIC) whose business it is to accredit newspapers and journalists think some gospel music...

India: Women Sufis

  28 March 2007

Indian Muslims on women sufis in and from Delhi. “Among the other early women mystics are Umm Haram whose tomb is in Cyprus, Rabia bint Ismail of Syria, Muadha al...

The Oldest Blogger in the Balkans

  25 March 2007

In the evening, Radmilo Ristic, a 74-year-old retired high school professor, likes to attend theater plays, gallery openings, literary nights, round-table discussions and other similar events that take place around...

Egypt: Speaker Woes

Egyptian blogger Zeinobia gives us her two cents on what she thinks of the list of speakers who attended a conference on Secular Islam in Florida, US. “I don't know...

Panama: Semana Santa Recipes

  22 March 2007

Melissa de Leon reminds readers that “in Panama and the rest of Latin America, Holy Week and Lent are among the most important dates on the calendar.” Here's a great...

India: New Year Celebrations

  21 March 2007

New Year in March you ask? Well, yes in certain parts of India it the start of a new year since they follow a different calendar and not the Gregorian...

Mauritius: the abortion debate

  21 March 2007

Christina Meetoo's take on the abortion debate in Mauritius. “On the whole, their discourse is basically geared towards instilling a feeling of guilt in people, specially women. And today, Mgr...