Stories about Refugees from February, 2023
‘You'd better not wake up!': How Twitter users remember the day of the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine
Global Voices translated some of the responses about the memories of the day of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 24th 2022
Meet the scapegoats of the earthquake in Turkey
While the state was searching for scapegoats, and focusing instead on face saving measures, Turks from all walks of life were busy mobilizing across the country.
Former refugee Behrouz Boochani's ‘surreal’ experience in Australia's parliament
"It was very surreal for me to be in a place that for years I criticised from the offshore prisons."
Pope Francis's visit to the DRC: The Congolese are divided over the Pontiff's pronouncements
The DRC welcomes Pope Francis while the country faces new conflicts in the east, where the group M23 wages a campaign of terror