Stories about Refugees from August, 2014
13 Photos by an Exiled Iranian Photojournalist of People Caught in Conflict in the Middle East
Maryam Ashrafi's portfolio spans Iran, Iraq, Turkey and France. Global Voices interviewed her about her work.
Powerful Video Shows a Syrian Toddler's ‘Rebirth’ From Under the Rubble of a Bombed Building
A barrel bomb destroyed little Ghina's home and killed her mother. She survived, despite being buried in rubble herself.
A Syrian in Brazil: An Interview With Global Voices Contributor Rami Alhames
From Syria to Brazil, from engineering to activism and finally Global Voices, Rami Alhames has an interesting story of his own to tell.
There's a Woman in Crimea Showing the Men How Blogging Is Done
Political discussions on the Russian-speaking Internet tend to be dominated by male voices. Politichanka, however is an exception to this general trend.