· June, 2010

Stories about Refugees from June, 2010

Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan: Initial Coverage of the “Osh Massacre”

On June 10, 2010, local clashes between the ethnic Kyrgyz and Uzbek population in the Kyrgyz part of the Ferghana valley turned into a full-blown massacre and further exodus of the Kyrgyzstan-based Uzbeks. It seems that the conflict had been incited by the Kyrgyz organized criminal gangs in order to destabilize the region and might be connected with the revolutionary events in Kyrgyzstan two months earlier. The post summarizes initial coverage of the event by local bloggers.

Bulgaria: Protest Against Neo-Nazi Violence

On June 6, a protest was held in Sofia in support of the rights of refugees and immigrants in Bulgaria. Shortly before the start of the protest, a group of skinheads attacked several people inside a tram on the way to the event. On June 10, a second gathering was organized, in which activists protested against neo-Nazism and the attacks on peaceful citizens.

Armenia-Azerbaijan: Conflict Voices

In the 16 years since a ceasefire agreement put the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the disputed territory of Nagorno Karabakh on hold, successive attempts to broker a final peace have faltered. Could blogs and other online tools now offer alternative voices the opportunity to have their opinions on the conflict heard?