· July, 2006

Stories about Refugees from July, 2006

Bhutan: Refugee in Nepal

  13 July 2006

Extra Extra has a letter from a Bhutanese in a refugee camp growing up in Nepal.”Can you imagine growing up in a refugee camp? Having no citizenship? Discovering the slow...

Sudan: Appeal to G8

  12 July 2006

G8 leaders meeting in St. Petersburg on July 15-17 should firmly tell the Sudanese government that it must immediately accept the deployment of a United Nations force to protect civilians...

Senegal: Migrant workers

  10 July 2006

Black Looks posts a poem about the lives of African migrants looking for work and a better life, and Nigeria, What's New? picks it up with a link to a...

Voices from Kazakhstan

Welcome to our first roundup of blog posts and online discussions that took place in the Kazakh blogosphere recently. On a World Refugee Day, 20 June, I overviewed the situation...

Uganda: Amnesty for Kony?

  5 July 2006

Yebo Gogo is ambivalent about the offer of amnesty being made to Lord's Resistance Army leader Joseph Kony by Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni, who has already reported him to the...

Lebanon: Palestine & Israel, Values that don’t work & the Sahsouh

The Lebanese blogosphere this week seems to be directly affected by the situation in the occupied territories of Palestine. Anti-Semitism in Lebanon, the besieging of Gaza, Israeli flag in the World Cup and books by Israelis that “distort” facts are some of the topics discussed. In addition to these we find out about a case where the values we are taught when young do not work well when we get older. We also learn about a common Lebanese practice called the Sahsouh.