· January, 2008

Stories about Protest from January, 2008

Louis Michel Heckled by Congolese Protestors at the London School of Economics

  30 January 2008

Le renouveau congolais posts a YouTube video which shows Louis Michel, European Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid and formerly Belgian's foreign minister, as he was confronted by Congolese protesters during a talk given earlier this month on the EU and Africa at the London School of Economics. Read the reactions from Congolese netizens and a video response that will make you move your feet.

China: The Anger of the Weak

  30 January 2008

On his way to the office, Zengying saw a hawker running away from the city control team. He warned the powerful not to neglect the anger of the weak and...

Colombia: March Against the FARC

  29 January 2008

Carlos from Liberal Colombiano [es] explains the reasons why he will attend the February 4th march in protest against the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC).

Poland, Ukraine: Border Crisis

  28 January 2008

Leopolis writes about the crisis at Poland's eastern border: “Traffic has come to a standstill on the Polish-Ukrainian border. Polish customs officers are on strike for the sixth day, demanding...