· February, 2006

Stories about Protest from February, 2006

China: Why unenforced laws matter

  27 February 2006

Chinese Law Prof notes the appearance of a new book by Kevin O'Brien and Lianjiang Li, Rightful Resistance in Rural China, saying it shows how legal texts can be socially...

Singapore, Thailand: Photoblogging Protests

  27 February 2006

Singapore-based themediaslut is photoblogging protests in Thailand against business mogul and PM Thaksin Shinawatra, who last week dissolved parliament and called snap elections as a response to the public outcry...

Philippines: Revolutions

  23 February 2006

Jessica Zafra reminds readers why the Philippines 1986 “People Power” Revolt, the 20th anniversary of which is ongoing, was so important, despite the subsequent disappointments and political troubles: “We were...

Belarus: Moscow Solidarity Rally

  20 February 2006

LJ user greenmih, a Russian photographer, posts black-and-white photos from an anti-Lukashenko, pro-Belarus solidarity rally that took place in front of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Moscow this past...

Sudan: Yale sells stock in oil

  17 February 2006

The Passion of the Present reports that students of Yale university in the US have called for the university authorities to remove any financial interests they may have with Sudan.....

Nigeria: Muslim cartoons

  15 February 2006

Nigerian Times posts a scathing comment on the Muslim cartoon protests in Africa………..”Most Africans always like to ape others. And they are the worst hypocrites in the world”