· December, 2011

Stories about Politics from December, 2011

Online Highlights from the Portuguese-Speaking World in 2011

  31 December 2011

2011 has been another year in which bloggers and activists from a number of Portuguese-speaking countries have come together to report, translate and promote blogs and citizen media from all over the world. This article selects the highlights in the coverage of Lusophone countries on Global Voices over the last year.

Jamaica: why they lost the election

  30 December 2011

Active Voice analyses yesterday's general election in Jamaica, explaining how Prime Minister Andrew Holness and the Jamaica Labour Party — who looked, a month ago, set to be returned to...

Egypt: 2011 in Blog Posts

  30 December 2011

The year 2011 is coming to an end, and with all the events took place in Egypt, it is important to list the most important or controversial blog posts of the year. Tarek Amr polls Twitter users to decide this year's top blog posts.

Jamaica: a new prime minister

  30 December 2011

As Girl with a Purpose reports, the governing Jamaica Labour Party was defeated in yesterday's general election, and People's National Party head Portia Simpson-Miller is Jamaica's new prime minister —...

Nepal:No Place for Xenophobia

  30 December 2011

Blogdai writes that Nepal should stop blaming foreigners for each and every woe that comes its way, since national unity cannot be based on xenophobia.

Africa: African Arguments Online

  29 December 2011

African Arguments Online is “a multi-blogging site that covers both contemporary African events as they unfold, and develops debates on themes we believe are centrally important to an ever-changing continent.”

Barbados: too many cars

  28 December 2011

Barbados Underground asks: how can the island solve its perennial traffic problem? “Barbados is 166 square miles and at some point commonsense will have to take root. The number of...

Guyana: crime and insecurity

  28 December 2011

“Travel around coastland Guyana and you will see it too,” writes Imran Khan: “burglar bars, grillwork, heavily armed company security forces, reinforced doors, guard huts, watchmen, security lights, CCTV cameras.”...

Puerto Rico: Investigating Monsanto

  28 December 2011

The Center of Investigative Journalism published a three-part series on the little known operation in Puerto Rico of the multinational biotechnology corporation Monsanto, the principle producer of genetically engineered seeds.

Cuba: Waiting for Change

  28 December 2011

Yasmín Portales writes that she is still waiting for radical changes [es] and different governance strategies and practices in Raúl Castro's Cuba.