Stories about Politics from September, 2011
Cuba: The Reality of Prison
A former political prisoner blogs about his experience with the Cuban jail system, here.
Trinidad & Tobago: Expenditure & Accountability
“Discussion is revolving around the country’s earnings from our energy resources and the likely size of the next year’s budget, expected to be delivered in early October”: Afra Raymond warns...
Cuba: Inequitable Party
Generation Y compares the official distribution of “rental properties, cars, businesses [and] houses” to a pinata at a children's party, saying: “What is most worrying is [that] the…existence of such...
Incredible Photos of North Korean Mass Game
Photographer Sam Gellman took 50 photos of a large-scale Mass Games in Pyongyang during his 4-day trip to North Korea. Although nearly 100,000 North Korean were mobilized for the game...
Cameroon: How Candidates Are Navigating the Social Media Landscape
Dibussi looks at how candidates in Presidential Election 2011 in Cameroon are navigating the social media landscape: “President Paul: The president’s relatively recent social media presence is part of a...
Colombia: Incarceration of Bogota’s Former Mayor Stirs Debate
Aside from the uproar that Congressman Juan Manuel Corzo sparked over his “fuel subsidy,” now Samuel Moreno Rojas, the former mayor of Bogotá, has been sent to prison while facing accusations of embellishment, fraud and extortion.
Mexico: #ReformaPoliticaYA (‘Political Reform Now’), Reactions on Twitter
It has been several months since citizen organizations and activists tried to attain the approval of a political reform that includes, among other points, reelection for mayors and legislators. The reform has caused passionate reactions on Twitter and revived fears from the past.
Brazil: Citizens Blame Governor for Police Charge on Teachers
Brazilian citizens used the hashtag #CidEspancaProfessores (Cid beats teachers) in solidarity with public school teachers who were beaten by the police on September 29. That day, a proposal of the...
Macedonia: Protests Against Police Brutality Continue
Several hundred persons continued the street protests against police brutality in Skopje on September 29. With only two exceptions, the Macedonian media largely obeyed the embargo on covering the protests.
Laos According to WikiLeaks
WikiLeaks has released a set of Laos files that confirmed the country’s underdevelopment, endemic corruption in the bureaucracy, and the fragile state of its environment. Here are some online reactions and excerpts of the Laos cables.
Uzbekistan: Exiled opposition member murdered
Avicenna reports that one of the most active members of the Uzbek opposition in exile Fuad Rustamkhojaev was assasinated in Ivanovo, a Western Russian town where he lived for the...
Bahamas: Time to Take Action Against Crime
As a missing child is found dead, Weblog Bahamas says: “I would call on Prime Minister Ingraham to not wait until next Monday to make a statement to the nation...
Cuba: Jailed Activists
Uncommon Sense continues to keep a close eye on three members of the Damas de Blanco who were arrested recently, as well as political prisoner Sara Martha Fonseca, whose son...
Jamaica: Upcoming Elections
Bruce Golding yesterday confirmed that he will step down as Prime Minister and Leader of the ruling Jamaica Labour Party, which according to Girl With a Purpose, means that the...
Mexico: Baja California Anti-Abortion Law Upheld by Supreme Court
The Mexican Supreme Court failed by one vote to overturn a Baja California law that declares that life begins at conception. Aguachile calls this “tragic news” and argues that in...
Venezuela: Thinking Succession Amid Rumors About Chavez's Health
“Renewed rumors about Chavez's health have led to a new round of jockeying for power and influence in Caracas”: Bloggings by boz comments on “Venezuela's succession void”, an issue he...
Brazil: Blogging Carnival in Defense of Abortion
The Brazilian blog Blogueiras Feministas (Feminist Bloggers) has selected [pt] a series of posts about the women's right to abortion following a blogging carnival that took place on September 28.
Cameroon: Calm Before the Storm?
Cameroon's presidential election will take place on October 9, but the lack of stake in the outcome felt by the general population is leading to a lack of interest. The threat of post-election violence and ethnic tension is also hanging over the country.
Cuba: A Tireless Defender of Gay Rights
Francisco Rodríguez Cruz is a Cuban journalist and activist who for over a year has maintained a controversial blog committed to advancing the rights of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community in Cuba.
Wikileaks Cables on Laos
Wikileaks has released a set of cables that involve Laos. Blogger Lao Bumpkin identifies the relevant topics in the uploaded files.
Cuba: 14 on Trial for Girl's Death
“It seems that we’re destined to remain in the dark about yet another case that we’ve only found out about through foreign newspapers and independent bloggers”: Rosa Martinez, writing at...