Stories about Politics from March, 2006
Venezuela: Op-Ed Translations
Katy of Caracas Chronicles has translated an opinion piece, originally published in Tal Cual by Marino González, a professor at Simón Bolívar University. Venepoetics translates an op-ed, also from Tal...
Belarus: First Detainees Released
Ivan Lenin of Rush-Mush reports on the first prisoners being released from Belarusian jails.
DRC: Priest Describes 3/22 Protest
Le Blog du Congolais posts (FR) a Le Phare interview with a priest, Rev. Blaise Kanda, who attended UDPS’ March 22 protest. Rev. Kanda reports that even though UDPS leadership...
DRC: Malu Malu Announces Delay in Communal Elections
UDPS Liege blogger ngstephane comments (FR) on electoral council President Appolinaire Malu Malu's appearance on a Belgian talk show yesterday. Blogger is especially disappointed with Malu Malu's announcement that communal...
Belarus: Prison Journal
Ivan Lenin at Rush-Mush links to an English translation of a Belarusian protestor's jail journal. (Written by LJ user forion in Belarusian, translated by LJ user kapitan-tanaka.)
Poland: Singer Turned Politician Tired of Politics
The beatroot writes about a 56-year-old Polish rock musician turned politician and the problems he's facing. “After making a lot of money over the years, he must have got bored...
Iraq: Impossible dreams of Arabs
IraqiPundit wonders what NYT is talking about here. Arab influence in Iraq? What influence are these supposed analysts operating under? Arab countries traditionally sided with Saddam against the Iraqi people....
Taiwan: Chiang Kai-shek's diaries released
Tomorrow, Stanford University will release Chiang Kai-shek's diaries covering 1917-1931. Jerome F. Keating Ph.D. explains the importance of the diaries today.
Nigeria: Predictable Politics
UKNaija ponders on the relativity of time and seemingly predictable Nigerian politics.
DR: No to “sexual liberty”
Andrés Duque reports that language referring to “sexual liberty” will be removed from a current draft amendment to the Dominican Republic's Civil Code. One of the fears among critics of...
Caribbean, US: US-Caricom meeting
Larry Smith discusses the recent US-Caricom meeting in the Bahamas in the context of both recent US foreign policy and Condolezza Rice's career. He quotes a Bahamian diplomat, who says:...
DRC: UDPS’ Latest Demands
Doubting that elections can and will take place June 30 as planned, UDPS Liege posts(FR) the UDPS’ latest demands to the international community and the Congolese government. Demands include the...
Power – from youth to the sun – in Nigerian blogs this week
Musings from Nigerian Bloggers this Week
Pulse of the Saudi Blogosphere
Mohsen Al-Awaji was freed after 11 days of detention, and Aya thinks this action by the government is a tangible lesson for Saudis: “Don’t you dare to criticize the government...
Landing at the Iraqi Blogodrome
This week bloggers in Iraq are saying the same thing in different ways – the security situation is becoming unbearable. Also, in my bag today, a winning blogger gets another...
Philippines: The Story of Jolo
Blogkadahan tells story of Jolo, a small town in the southwest of the Philippines which she remembers as once one of the most beautiful place in the country. Now, she...
Singapore: Honour your pledge
At Diary of A Lucky Singaporean Lucky Tan satirises the pledge of Singaporean politicians by applying its wording of justice, equality and democracy to their actions. He finds the pledge...
Singapore: Online Petition
Singapore Election Watch announces an online petition against linking votes to public housing upgrading in Singapore.
Thailand: Thaksinomics 2.0
Bookish reports on Thaksinomics 2.0 that he finds lacking substance especially on the vision for lifting the poor out of poverty.
Indonesia: Islamist vs. Secular parties
Indonesia Matters examines the categorization of Islamist vs. Secular parties in Indonesia.
Belarus: Anti-TV Flash Mob
LJ user litota_ posts photos from a flash mob that took place at Oktyabrskaya Sq. in Minsk yesterday: to protest the lies of Belarusian state TV, a group of young...