Stories about Photography from August, 2012
Turkmenistan: Goodbye August, Month of Melons
August is the month of melons in Turkmenistan where expansive steppe lands yield some of the tastiest crop known to mankind. Turkmen Melon Day, celebrated since 1994, is one of the favourite public holidays in the country.
Puerto Rico: Dancing through the Lens of Heriberto Castro
Photographer and blogger Heriberto Castro talks about his blog En la punta del pie, a site dedicated to the world of body movement. He hopes to provide a place to collaborate news and photographs about all dance-related activities in Puerto Rico.
East Timor: Return Trip of an Indonesian
Dalih Sembiring, an Indonesian journalist and travel blogger, wrote “Postcards from Dili“, on a trip he did to East Timor 16 years after he left the country. On his post...
Cape Verde: “A Real Hell for Stray Animals”
Cape Verde: white beaches, beautiful sea and luxuriant vegetation: a paradise for humans but a real hell for stray animals. The alert (with photos) comes from the International Organization for...
Kazakhstan: The Beauty of Altai Mountains
A group of Kazakhstani photographers have recently toured the mountainous region of Altai in in the country's east, known for its picturesque alpine scenery. Photos made during the trip can be accessed...
Saudi Arabia: Ramadan Documentary
Saudi filmmaker Mazen Al-Angary shares this documentary about Ramadan in Jeddah.
Puerto Rico: Social Media's ‘No’ Campaign Wins Big in Referendum
"140 characters focused so hard on raising awareness among people that today they broke the machinery put together by money. The NO won!!!" - A netizen reacts to the campaign's success in a referendum to amend the country's constitution.
Guinea-Bissau: “Our Culture” in Photos
The Facebook profile of Nôkultura Associação (“Our Culture” Association), launched by Teodoro Gomes in late July, 2012, features a rich – though still small – set of photos on culture...
East Timor: Hundreds of Resistance-Related Images on Facebook
“East Timorese media organisation Tempo Semanal published almost 900 resistance-related images on its Facebook fan page. The photographs appear to range in time from 1975 to the early post-1999 referendum...
Korean Protester Being Chased and Beaten by Japanese Right Wing Groups and Gangsters
At this year's Korean Independence day, a Korean guy held a one-man protest at the Yasukuni shrine in Japan, a symbolic and controversial place for worshiping war criminals from the...
Puerto Rico: An “Activated” Space for School Athletics
Photojournalist José Jiménez talks about his project, Activao, an online space dedicated exclusively to covering school athletics in Puerto Rico. Going beyond being a specialized medium for sports, the project is, above all, a space with a social mission for young people.
Hollywood's Next Go-To Enemies: North Korea and China
North Korea Tech blog wrote about leaked movie scripts and photos of Hollywood's upcoming movies which Chinese media denounced as ‘reshoots of Cold War movie demonizing China’.
Kazakhstan: Olympic Veterans and New Champions
Team Kazakhstan's 13 medals, including seven golds, taken at the London Olympics were nothing short of triumph. Vox Populi posts [ru] photos of Kazakhstani athletes who triumphed in London and adds [ru]...
Bangladesh: The Yard & The Manimals
Atik Ullah Sayeed posts a photo essay on the Shipbreaking industry in Bangladesh.
North Korea: First Lady Spotted With A Luxury, ‘Dior’ Handbag
North Korea’s young first lady was pictured carrying what appears to be a Christian Dior handbag which costs around USD 1,600. While international media lashed hard at the luxury in...
Nepal: Gaijatra Gay Pride Festival In Pokhara
Lex Limbu posts photos of the 3rd International Gaijatra Gay Pride Festival, which took place in the lake city of Pokhara on Friday, 3rd of August, 2012.
Philippines: Floods Hit Metro Manila and Nearby Provinces
Strong rains caused huge floods in many parts of Metro Manila and nearby provinces in the Luzon Island of the Philippines. Manila-based Global Voices editor Mong Palatino gathers photos from social media platforms which show the extent of flooding in the country's capital
UK: Taking on ‘Brandalism’
The collectively maintained website Brandalism presents an ever-growing collection of street art. The project is inspired “from the Dadaists, Situationists and Street Art movements” and its goal is to “see...
Bangladesh, USA: 5000 Miles Bicycle Ride For Climate Awareness
Two activists from Bangladesh are riding on a tandem bike to collect and measure the amount of plastic and other waste they come across during their 5000 miles journey from Seattle to New York.
Iraq: Six Months Before the US Invasion
Blogger Maryam Monalisa Gharavi posts some photographs on her blog South/South of Iraq six months before the US invasion.