· August, 2011

Stories about Photography from August, 2011

Costa Rica: Slut Walk Reactions, Religion and Women's Rights

  19 August 2011

Last Sunday 14 August, 2011, the Costa Rican Slut Walk took place in the capital city of San Jose causing both a media and religious backlash due to allegedly violent anti-church chants and performances. The ongoing debate has been covered on both citizen and mass media outlets as people react to the Costa Rican version of this worldwide protest.

Bangladesh: Celebrating The Monsoon

  13 August 2011

The Monsoon season is a blessing or sometime woes for Bangladeshis and Shahnaz at Dhaka Dweller celebrates the monsoon season in Bangladesh with some lovely pictures.

Russia: A Psycho-Neurological Patient's Photo Stories

RuNet Echo  11 August 2011

Pasha Kyshtymov, a lifelong psycho-neurological patient in Siberia, cannot communicate through speech, but had no problems learning to express himself through photography. On his blog, the Russian photographer Oleg Klimov has documented the poignant impromptu experience of teaching Pasha to share his worldview with others.

China: Discount train ticket for the disabled

  10 August 2011

A weibo user account, wishing-for-half-price-ticket-for-the-disabled, has been set up with a photo of a disable person protesting outside the MInistry of Railways demanding half-price discount train ticket for the disabled.

Azerbaijan: Refugee problem

  5 August 2011

Ilkin Huseynov posts photographs of refugees in Azerbaijan on Invisible Photographer Asia and says that even 17 years after the 1994 ceasefire agreement with Armenia the problem remains urgent and...