Stories about Music from February, 2024
Music activism as a form of social resistance
Halldor Kristínarson runs a music journalism blog, Shouts - Music from the rooftops, that highlights underrepresented musicians and music activists from around the world.
Jamaican musicians and fans shocked at passing of soulful roots reggae singer ‘Peetah’ Morgan at age 46
The group became known globally as a “conscious” reggae band, with lyrics infused with social awareness backed by roots reggae rhythms.
A deep dive into the musical repertoire of Turkmenistan’s national leader
A major part of Berdimukhamedov’s personality cult has been his musical career.
Portraits of exile: Musical resistance to oppression from Iranian singer Faravaz
Faravaz defied borders and societal norms, moving from early recognition in Iran to facing backlash, exile, and activism in Germany. Her journey is a testament to the resilience of Iranian women against oppression.
‘The bass is the backbone': Aston ‘Family Man’ Barrett, bass player for Jamaica's iconic ‘Wailers’ band, passes away at 77
"[T]he world lost not just an iconic musician and the backbone of The Wailers but a remarkable human being whose legacy is as immense as his talent."