Stories about Music from March, 2007
Bahrain: When ‘moderate’ means ‘acquiescent’
This week some Bahraini bloggers took part in an evening regarding the role of blogging in cultural development, and the literary aspect of online writing in particular. Hisham Khalifa has...
Jamaica: African/Brazilian Connection
Geoffrey Philp's Blogspot covers Joel Gondim's presentation “Color, Identity, and Candomblé in Brazil,” in which he explores how the African connection to Brazil manifests itself in food, music, and religion.
Arabisc: Job Hunting in Bahrain?
Bahraini blogger Silverooo, who has just graduated from university, may have hit the jackpot and will soon be making more money than any other graduate her age. Her idea? The...
Zimbabwe: taking gospel too far!
Is putting your hands up in the air illegal in Zimbabwe?: The Media and Information Commission (MIC) whose business it is to accredit newspapers and journalists think some gospel music...
Morocco: El Bicho and Darga Perform April 1st
Chadstoune is happy Moroccan band Darga and Spanish band El Bicho will be performing in Casablanca on April 1. Says the blogger: Says the blogger [Fr}: “El Bicho is one...
Kyrgyzstan: Svetlana Nazarenko
Tolkun Umaraliev reports that Svetlana Nazarenko, a native of Bishkek who is the lead singer of the Russian band Gorod 312 (ru), has been awarded the honorary title “Honored Artist...
Latvia: Ukrainian and Russian Folk Music
Dykun posts a video and writes on a Ukrainian and Russian folk music performance in Riga, Latvia: “they performed together a show of russian and ukrainian wedding songs and rituals,...
Chile: Censorship, Victor Jara and Los Tres
In his inimitable style, Tomás Dinges ties together the popularity of Mexican Rancheras and American hits, Chile's feudal history, the oppressive days of the dictatorship, the brutal murder of Victor...
German “Open Music” Band Dedicates a Concert for Peru
[Editors Note: The following post originally appeared on the weblog of Creative Commons Peru and was translated into english by Juliana Rincón Parra. We've already seen a rural Ecuadorean “techno-folklorist”...
Trinidad & Tobago: Farewell to Icons pays tribute to three Trinbagonian icons who passed away recently: calypsonian The Mighty Terror, journalist George John and economist Lloyd Best.
Kazakhstan: Nauryz Soundtrack
Depending on who the community, Navruz, the Persian holiday marking the beginning of spring that is celebrated in Iran, Central Asia, and elsewhere, is today or tomorrow. News from the...
Palestine: Hip Hip Concert
Palestinian blogger Imaan, who is now based in Sweden, gives us a detailed account of how she was able to finish her housework, arrange for her children to be looked...
Trinidad & Tobago: A podcast returns
Caribbean Free Radio returns with its first podcast in 200-plus days, a look behind the scenes at the repeat performance of the annual Carnival show by the rapso band 3canal.
Jordanian Blogs: A Snow Day & Other Mid-March Tales
The biggest story to take the Jordanian blogosphere by storm seems to be the strange weather lately. A snow storm swept the country for 24 hours and many bloggers had...
Senegal: meet Gokh-Bi System
Joshua Wanyama of African Path blogs about Gokh-Bi System, a West African group that fuses traditional African sound with urban hip hop.
Electronic arts scene mingles with marginalized communities in Colombia
Take electronic media, a community with a violent history and music, and you have the necessary ingredients to make a Pixelazo. “Pixelazo is the new Colombian node in the Pixelache...
Bahrain: A better literary life for civil servants?
We begin this week's review of Bahrain's blogs with Lulu's review of Bahrain's second annual Spring of Culture. Regarding the music/poetry/dance performance headlined by Marcel Khalife, and which caused controversy...
Brazil: Hip Hop and Education
On a program by Brazil's Ministry of Culture to use hip hop as a way to keep kids in school, Made in Brazil writes: “I had not read about the...
Palestine: It's All in the Kuffiyeh
Trent Reznor, lead singer of one of the greatest bands of this generation, Nine Inch Nails, rocks the kuffiyeh (black and white head gear associated with Palestine) in his latest...
Guinea-Conakry: standing up to a power-hungry President
The technological revolution that enables ordinary citizens to capture and upload video footage on the web has been slow to take root in West Africa. Up to now we haven’t...
Cuba: Silvio Rodriguez, troubadour of conscience
Zenia reproduces an article from Granma, the Cuban news daily, reporting that Cuban folk superstar Silvio Rodriguez has cancelled a concert in Chile in protest over the high price of...