· June, 2009

Stories about Migration & Immigration from June, 2009

Cuba, U.S.A.: Connecting the Dots

  29 June 2009

Call it coincidence, but diaspora blogger Uncommon Sense thinks that in light of news that Cuban human rights activists Jorge Luis García Pérez “Antúnez” and his wife were once again...

Jamaica: Bloggers on Jackson

  29 June 2009

Michael Jackson's death has Jamaican diaspora blogger Geoffrey Philp ruminating on the meaning of life, while Annie Paul says: “the mainstream media has limited credibility for me now [post Jackson's...

French Caribbean: Farewell Mickael

  29 June 2009

The news of the death of the King of Pop was like an earthquake felt around the world. The shock wave reached the French Caribbean, where bloggers from Martinique, Guadeloupe,...

Caribbean, USA: Tributes to the “King of Pop”

  26 June 2009

Despite the controversy which plagued him for the latter part of his eccentric life, the sudden and unexpected death of American-born entertainer Michael Jackson, dubbed "The King of Pop", has touched millions of people around the world - and the Caribbean is no exception. Regional bloggers pay their respects...

Cuba, U.S.A.: Obama & “Antúnez”

  26 June 2009

Cuban human rights activist Jorge Luis García “Antúnez” said that President Obama's words of support make a big difference for those fighting for Cuban liberty, but diaspora blogger Uncommon Sense...

Trinidad & Tobago: Blogging about Crime

  26 June 2009

Jumbie's Watch blogs about Trinidad and Tobago's approach to crime, while KnowProSE.com writes a note to the country's media on their coverage of the crime situation and The Manicou Report...

Angola: New highway code in action

  26 June 2009

Discussions around the changes brought by the new Angolan highway code have been taking place on the blogosphere and divided society. On one hand, the new code is seen as good because it will educate careless drivers, but some argue that the legislation contains costs that not everyone is able to meet.

Cuba, U.S.A.: Missed Opportunity

  25 June 2009

Havana Times reports that U.S. President Barack Obama released a statement in which he said he hoped that all Cuban political prisoners would be released, but Uncommon Sense thinks that...

Jamaica: Can the IMF Change?

  22 June 2009

“There is talk of the possibility of the current Jamaican administration returning to do business with the International Monetary Fund“: Abeng News Magazine wonders whether the IMF leopard can change...

Guyana, U.S.A.: Watch List

  22 June 2009

Signifyin’ Guyana agrees with the Human Services Minister's response to reports that the US Department of State has placed Guyana on a watch list for human trafficking.

Barbados: Illegal Immigration

  18 June 2009

“Illegal immigrants have rights too”: Bajan Dream Diary discusses the issue in light of the country's recent move to tighten its immigration policy.