· August, 2011

Stories about Media & Journalism from August, 2011

Cuba: Las Damas & the Archbishop

  30 August 2011

Uncommon Sense says that the fact that the leader of The Ladies in White has had to approach Havana's cardinal “to intercede…to halt the summerlong repression of the Damas and...

Trinidad & Tobago: Thoughts on the SoE

  29 August 2011

Outlish puts forward four reasons “why…the state of emergency should not be extended”, while KnowTnT.com sums up the first week of the SoE “from a few different angles.”

Blog Carnival: Mexico – Verbalizing the Violence

  29 August 2011

Our first 2011 Blog Carnival had the theme "Mexico - Citizenry, Violence and Blogs". In this first part of the final summary, we showcase what Mexican bloggers thought about past violent events happening in their country and how they handle and express their pain when violence has affected them.

Barbados: Wait & See for SoETT

  26 August 2011

From Barbados, B.C. Pires sees how Trinidad and Tobago's State of Emergency is playing out, and says: “One is reluctant to pre-judge anything; but to every charge of, ‘O, ye...

Cuba: Pseudo-Transparency

  26 August 2011

Without Evasion considers Raul Castro's pledge “to develop a new brave, honest and transparent journalism during the Sixth Congress of the CCP”, saying: “If the coverage of what happened in...

Bahamas: Riding Out Hurricane Irene

  25 August 2011

As Hurricane Irene, the first of the 2011 Atlantic hurricane season, continues to move through the Bahamas, bloggers have been sharing their experiences. Netizens reported very strong winds, extensive damage to property, felled trees and downed power lines. Several roofs were blown off and there were reports of flooding in certain areas.