· September, 2008

Stories about Language from September, 2008

China: Communication Style

  9 September 2008

Joel from Fool's mountain is collecting feedback from Chinese readers on this description a typical Chinese communication style. The blogger has posted a list of assumptions for further discussion.

Japan: PM resignation starts Internet buzz, but was it real?

  8 September 2008

With less than a year spent in office, Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda made a sudden announcement on live television last Monday night that he had decided to resign. While the PM's resignation on Monday came out of the blue to most observers, however, the buzz that followed on the Internet was even more of a surprise. Some writing in bulletin boards were asking: was the buzz fabricated?

Where in the world are Global Voices translators?

  2 September 2008

These days, Global Voices' Lingua translators produce 15 different language editions of this website (18, if you count the up-and-coming Swahili, Russian, and Serbian) so people around the world who don't speak English, can join the global conversation.

Thailand: Protesters misunderstood by Western media?

  1 September 2008

Most of the online commentaries and news reports about the anti-government rallies in Thailand are not positive. A blogger wonders whether the statements of the protesting groups, and their English translations, are delivered to the global audience correctly.