Stories about Language from January, 2020
Hope for dying Nepali language wanes as one of the last fluent speakers passes away at 85
Gyani Maiya was one of two fluent speakers of Kusunda. With her passing, the language has suffered an irreparable loss.
Nigeria's Operation Àmò̩té̩kùn: Was it named after a leopard, cheetah or tiger?
Linguists who study Yorùbá have long taken issue with ascribing meaning of the word àmò̩té̩kùn interchangeably with the leopard, cheetah and tiger.
Yorùbá loanwords: How languages evolve
Using Yorùbá words in their original forms helps ensure that culture — kept alive through language — continues to thrive.
The media habits of the Vietnamese minority in the Czech Republic: interview with Professor Tae-Sik Kim
The sizable Vietnamese community in the Czech Republic contributes to the shaping of a new culture that fuses elements of both countries.