· January, 2009

Stories about Language from January, 2009

Azerbaijan: Language Lessons

  25 January 2009

Linda in Azerbaijan details the trials and tribulations of learning Azerbaijani. Despite the difficulties, the Peace Corps Volunteer says she is determined to learn the language at the highest level...

Jamaica: Praying in Patois

  19 January 2009

Iriegal shares her thoughts on the production of a Patois Bible: “I just want to say $60 million dollars is a lot to invest…there is so much controversy in translating...

Bangladesh: Learning English

  19 January 2009

Kotha-Chhilo (something to say) thinks the politicians and cricketers of Bangladesh should take English language courses to express themselves freely to international media.

Hong Kong: Election Consultation Deferred… It's Dog-Speak!

  16 January 2009

If constructive questions like the election consultation became "dog-speak" in the eye of top ruling elites (in the form of Freudian slip), what's the function of the Legislative council? Although LSD's legislators' dog's fight performance is disruptive, can the Legislative council be genuinely constructive with the un-democratic system?

China: Bu Zheteng

  9 January 2009

ESWN discusses various possible translation of “bu zheteng” in President Hu Jintao's speech last week.

Azerbaijan: Off the Air

  5 January 2009

Following the recent ban on foreign radio broadcasts in Azerbaijan, Thoughts On The Road registers its disappointment with the move. Although Radio Free Europe will now concentrate on expanding its...

Japan: Teaching Buddhism by sign language

  5 January 2009

A blogger at Toppei no Minna Chigatte Minna Ii (トッペイのみんなちがってみんないい) introduces a website where it is possible for deaf followers to download the .wmv files and the original texts of...

Lusosphere: Reform in Portuguese Language Not Welcomed

  1 January 2009

As of today, the reform of Portuguese language spelling begins to be implemented in Brazil. The same rules will eventually be implemented in Portugal, Angola, Cape Verde, East Timor, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, São Tomé and Príncipe. Bloggers across the Lusosphere are not exactly happy about it.