· November, 2010

Stories about Indigenous from November, 2010

Bolivia: 229 Years Since the Sacrifice of Tupac Katari

  23 November 2010

The story of the uprising of the indigenous freedom fighters has been passed down from generation to generation in the indigenous communities of Bolivia. This rebellious movement was led some 229 years ago by Tupac Katari and remembrance events will take place during the month of November.

Brazil: Eradicating the Indigenous Guarani Kaiowa

  16 November 2010

Guarani still represent one of the most numerous indigenous people in Brazil, though they are profoundly affected by the loss of almost all their land in the last century. In the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Guarani Kaiowa, one of three groups descended from the original, are the target of constant attacks and victims of an alarming rash of suicides.

Nigeria: Remembering an Activist, Fifteen Years After his Execution

  13 November 2010

In 1995 Ken Saro-Wiwa, a prominent activist and outspoken critic of the oil industry in Nigeria, was executed along with eight of his associates. Saro-Wiwa was a hero for many Nigerians, and his execution inflamed the international community against the notoriously authoritarian regime of Sani Abacha and the practices of Royal Dutch Shell. Fifteen years after his death, bloggers reflect on his legacy.

Taiwan: Reporting on Autumn Struggle 2010

  10 November 2010

The Annual Autumn Struggle(秋鬥) was held on 11/7 this year, more than 1000 people from various minority groups and social activists organizations-migrant workers, indigenous tribes, HIV+ patients, sex workers, environmentalists, and...

Ecuador: Keeping Traditions Alive on Day of the Dead

  5 November 2010

Ecuadorians recently finished celebrating the Day of the Dead with liters of colada morada and many, many guaguas de pan, the traditional drink and food for the holiday. The special drink and bread are prepared and consumed on November 2nd, celebrating an ancestral tradition. The tradition was also celebrated through the blogosphere, where a campaign has appeared to keep Halloween from the traditional celebration.

Haiti: The Beauty of Haitian Art

  4 November 2010

“Sometimes I feel like I focus too much on the negative in my posts, giving the false impression that nothing good is happening in the world of Haitian culture…”: Tande...

Mexico: Celebrating Day of the Dead

  1 November 2010

Day of the Dead is a special and mystical season that Mexicans celebrate every year. But what exactly happens on this date? Why is this holiday so important for Mexican families?