Stories about Ideas from February, 2008
China: Mistakes On Freedom of Speech
Zhao Mu re-posted an anonymous blog post on a few mistakes frequently committed by mainland Chinese on the principle of Freedom of speech: 1. The over emphasis on there is...
Egypt: Dov'è L'Amore
Last Thursday was Valentine's Day, and for sure Egyptian bloggers couldn't miss such opportunity without writing about it, or even dedicating a special recipe of a Chocolate Pie for this occasion and calling it "The meal of Love". Tarek Amr has more.
Amit Gupta: A self confessed geek
Amit Gupta is a software engineer who works as a web applications architect in India and is a self confessed geek, in other words, someone who literally lives, breathes, sleeps...
China: Darfur, a reason to say No?
Is the Darfur issue a reason to say No to the 2008 Beijing Olympics? Spielberg nodded recently, while Mr. Bush shrugged, and Beijing frowned. But how about the common people in China?
Middle East: Protesting Love
Valentine's Day has come and gone, but in the Middle East, the debate still continues on whether it is an occasion which should be celebrated or shunned. With both Saudi Arabia and Kuwait warning against Valentine's Day celebrations, bloggers had a lot to talk about.
Palestine: Celebrating Valentine's Day
The meanings of Valentine's Day, like love, are multi-faceted. This year had the Palestinian blogosphere thinking about making creative connections, communicating across borders and boundaries, meaningful expressions of love and giving, hard losses, and questions of respect, writes Maya Norton.
Echoes of Orwell in Senegal
Blog politique au Senegal discusses George Orwell [Fr] and sees echoes of 1984 in Senegal's political system.
Dominica: Information Overload?
“Dominica is still at a primitive stage when it comes to information technology,” writes Dominica Weekly, providing some tips on how to “recognize the disadvantages the information age brought to...
Bermuda: Tourism Feels the Love
“So, it’s time for the Love Festival, Dr. Brown’s annual Valentine’s bacchanal,” writes Vexed Bermoothes, blogging from Bermuda – then adds: “I am not damning the Department of Tourism for...
Japan: Bloggers study group
Blogger shinyai [ja] (Keiwa College Associate Professor Ichinohe Shinya) writes about an upcoming bloggers study group [ja] organized by the Agile Media Network (AMN), which will take place on February...
Japan: Future words of the Web Era
Japanese web visionary Umeda Mochio (see earlier translated interview) announces the upcoming release on Feb. 27th of his new book, “Five propositions for a web era: These words will open...
Brazil: Oneself cellphone mobile TV
Mobile webtv live broadcast [pt] proposes a media innovation based on an all times Brazilian favorites street characters: the candy-girls that sell sweeties on trays. “We came up with a...
Brazil: Do not feed the journalists
Daniel Duende de Carvalho [pt] has been reporting on the humorous clashes between bloggers and mainstream media journalists covering the Campus Party Brazil. “Kept in a aquarium-like cage in the...
Barbados: Thoughts on Privatization
Pull! Push! wonders what would happen if Barbados were to privatize its police force.
Kuwait: Traffic Jam
Mishary, from Kuwait, posts pictures of a traffic jam.
Japan: Interview with Sasaki Toshinao by g86
In an interview with "space journal", a group blog by four architecture students at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, well-known Japanese IT journalist and writer Sasaki Toshinao speaks about the emergence of Japan's Lost Generation, the birth of the country's blogging movement, and the recent transformation of Japanese society from "seken" to "kuuki".
Barbados: Music Industry
“What does it say about the Barbados ‘music industry’ if the most successful performer to emerge from the island simply bypassed the entire industry?” asks Notes From The Margin after...
Hong Kong: 6 Reasons Not to See the New Photos
Moliuology listed out 6 reasons not to see the new photos concerning the sex photos scandal: 1. repetitive; 2. people's response is too hypocritical; 3. don't want to have too...
Brazil: The top 10 entrepreneurs of the Brazilian blogospgere
Bombust [pt] has a list of the top 10 entrepreneurs of the Brazilian blogospgere, chosen because “their posts guide the readers’ steps in the direction their links point to and...
Brazil: Tips for Campus Party starting today
Graveheart [pt] has posted some humorous tips on how to get the best of Campus Party Brazil, which starts today in São Paulo. There will be 3 thousand people together...
Belize, Trinidad & Tobago: Something about Carnival
“It is an awesome thing to witness for the first time, this egalitarian Carnival experience, this celebration that is collective and an expression of each one's most free and intimate...