Stories about Ideas from September, 2020
Toward a cyberfeminist future: A new study centers African women as protagonists online
Over 3,000 women from Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Senegal, and South Africa, were interviewed about their "perceptions of digital safety" and online gender-based violence in a new, large-scale study by Pollicy.
Masculinity in my genes/jeans
Manoeuvring the complexities of being a boy or man in Caribbean societies assumes "there was a DNA of maleness already living in us, sometimes waiting to be activated."
Artists from Gabon to Mozambique interrogate the meaning of ‘Global South’ in new online exhibition
The "Global South" is a loaded, highly political term. "Where is South?" a new, online exhibition featuring work from 90 artists who challenge notions of "south" through artist books, launches October 1.
In Peru, indigenous youth rap against sexual violence
With the hashtag #WarmallanAmaraqMamaqa ["Girls, not mothers"], high school students launch a rap video to demand protection for indigenous and peasant girls.
African Union turns to biosurveillance tech to curb COVID-19
PanaBIOS, an African Union-backed biosurveillance technology, can track the spread of COVID-19 and connect testing centers across the continent.
French media ignores minority role models during COVID-19 coverage
Public health specialists who appear on French TV to discuss the coronavirus pandemic do not reflect the diversity of the French public.