Stories about Humor from December, 2015
Strangest Twitter Moment of 2015? Elijah Wood Wades into the Gollum-Erdogan Spat
"You shut up. I skip all the scenes you are in anyway. You can't walk properly. You can't even throw the ring properly... indecent."
Who Would Have Thought ‘Everest’ Was in Kazakhstan?
'I even have an old reflex camera, a Nikon D70 -- quite heavy, by the way. That picture was taken from a height of about 6,500 meters above sea level.'
2015 End-of-Year Quiz: Test Your Russian Internet News Knowledge
Think you're a Russian Internet guru? Take our 2015 news quiz to see how closely you've been following the RuNet Echo stories during the past year.
Sri Lanka's President Says Enrique Iglesias Concert Organisers Should Be ‘Whipped With Toxic Stingray Tails’
President Sirisena didn't like that female fans hugged and kissed the pop star, nor that someone threw her bra onstage. Sri Lankans didn't take to his "moral policing" kindly.
Even Santa Can't Escape Toxic Smog in China
During Christmas toxic smog spread from the northern provinces to central China.
One Kanji Character Captures a Year of Uncertainty in Japan
The character 安 has been named the official kanji of 2015. The character is supposed to represent 'peace', but not always...
Treatment of ‘Butch’ Woman at Trinidad Nightclub Feeds Discussion on Gender Identity
With gender suddenly in the mix, an otherwise familiar story of intolerance has become unexpectedly new ground for Trinbagonian netizens.
This City in Siberia Would Rather Elect a Cat Mayor
As Barnaul's political process slips further from the public, the frustrations of ordinary citizens are beginning to show. For instance, one Internet community is promoting a house cat’s mayoral candidacy.
‘Cloud’ Jokes Aplenty After China Blamed for Australian Meteorology Bureau Hack
Accusations that China has hacked Australia's Bureau of Meteorology have brought swift online responses down under.