Stories about Humor from September, 2014
8 Things You Wanted to Know About Madagascar but Were Afraid to Ask
If you ever wonder about visiting Madagascar or simply want to know more about the island, here are a few facts to consider.
Who Needs Roads? Russia Entertains Lunar Ambitions
Russia is revitalizing its Moon exploration efforts, with plans to launch a full-scale lunar colonization and development program by 2030. Sounds awesome, right? The RuNet begs to differ.
A Japanese Man Pops the Question With the Help of a Dancing Flash Mob in Osaka
Millions have seen the video of the man's creative marriage proposal, set to the tune of Louder by Japanese pop star Charice.
It's National Day in Chile, Which Means Chileans’ Ingenious Naming Games Are Back
Chile celebrates 204 years of independence with its own unique flavor and colors.
Run! The Muslims Are Coming!
Mainstream perceptions often paint "Muslims" with one broad brushstroke, inevitably peppered with violence. In this irreverent satirical piece, Pakistani stand-up comedian Sami Shah breaks down the different types of "Muslim".
Ukrainian Daredevil “Mustang Wanted” Now Officially Wanted in Russia
Mustang Wanted has had quite a week, infuriating the Russian authorities, inspiring Ukrainians, and earning some unexpected money for his cause against Moscow's intervention in Eastern Ukraine.
Take a Musical Tour of Latin America's Talented Subway Performers
Some cities ban them, but the musicians found in the subways of Buenos Aires, Quito, Caracas, and Mexico City liven up an otherwise dull commute on public transportation.
Togolese Bloggers Poke Fun at President for Over the Top BillBoard
Someone sure wanted people to know that he was thankful for Togolese President Faure Gnassingbé generosity. This week, a giant billboard was raised in Lomé, Togo that praised the president's action...
One of the Latest ‘Happy’ Tribute Videos Comes From Sikkim, High in India's Himalayas
The song “Happy”, written, produced, and performed by American singer and producer Pharrell Williams, became a viral phenomenon earlier this year as countless tribute videos filmed around the world were...
Russian Nationalists Grasp at Straws with ‘Scottish Solidarity’ Campaign
Russians' connections between the Scottish and Eastern Ukrainian independence movements are, for the most part, thoroughly imagined, but the fantasy has produced several funny pictures.
News of the Latest McDonald's Closure in Russia “Devastates” Obama
When current events inspire Russia's satirists, the RuNet produces some amazingly funny short stories. Russia's ongoing assault on the McDonald's food chain is having such an effect.
Confessions of an Angry Iranian
Iranian Political satirist Kambiz Hosseini on anger, the Islamic Republic and why his therapist made him buy a satellite dish.
For Russian Soldiers in Ukraine, the Mobile Phone May Be as Mighty as the Sword
The heyday of social media scoops from inside the Russian war machine may be over. Or maybe not. Some soldiers will always manage to sneak in phones.
What Went Into Making Russia's Most Viral Dash Cam Video Ever?
The good people of Chelyabinsk—a city whose toughness is legendary in Russian popular culture—have become some of the world’s biggest producers of candid-camera cartoon mayhem.