· November, 2012

Stories about Humor from November, 2012

China: Top 10 horrible figures of 2012?

  28 November 2012

This week, Chinese internet users come up with their own list of the “10 Most Horrid People of 2012.” The list was shared on Sina Weibo by “Weekly Commentary” [zh]  (每周评论),...

Israelis React to Barak's Retirement from Politics

  26 November 2012

Israel's Minister of Defense, Ehud Barak, who previously served as Israel's Prime Minister (1999-2001) and IDF Chief of Staff (1991-1995), made a surprise announcement in a press conference today, saying he will be retiring from politics as we wants to spend more time with his family. Israeli netizens react to his resignation.

Arab League on Gaza: “Blah Blah… Blah Blah Blah”

  17 November 2012

The Arab League is meeting at its headquarters in Cairo, Egypt, to discuss Gaza - and netizens aren't holding their breath or being optimistic about a strong reaction. Sultan AlQassemi tweets: "Live update from Arab League meeting on Gaza aggression by Israel: We will not tolerate blah blah! We must stand with blah blah bah."

Lurkmore or Lurkless? The Russian Internet Blacklist In Action

RuNet Echo  14 November 2012

A new Russian law that threatens Internet censorship came into effect on November 1. This week, netizen outrage followed the blocking of one particularly popular website by Russian ISPs. The site in question was Lurkmore, a Wikipedia-like compendium of articles on Internet culture and memes, written in an irreverent style with heavy use of Internet jargon.

Israeli Netizens Celebrate Romney's Defeat

  9 November 2012

Israeli netizens closely followed the elections in the United States, many of them staying up until the early morning hours to find out who of the candidates crossed the 270 electoral vote threshold. The Israeli social media and blogosphere scene is dominated by people who lean to the Left and thus most hoped that Obama would be re-elected. Liberal Israelis are generally disappointed with Obama's inaction regarding the peace process and human rights violations inside Israel, but Romney is seen as the worst of the two.

Chinese Political Joke on Beijing Weather

  5 November 2012

As the 18th Chinese Party Congress is approaching, censorship measure has been tightened. Below is a translation of a funny short story circulated [zh] in Chinese social media: Recently the...

Top 10 Global ‘Gangnam Style’ Parodies

  3 November 2012

South Korean rapper Psy's catchy song and goofy dance hit 'Gangnam Style' has broken the Guinness World record for the most "liked" video in YouTube history and spawned countless parodies. Here are the 10 best copycats of Gangnam Style picked from a slew of meme videos.