Stories about Humor from May, 2006
China: Don't learn Chinese for business opps, learn it for this book
For unavoidable reasons known to all, or at least presumed, Lifeweek editor Wang Xiaofeng, one of China's most entertaining bloggers—known to many for a hoax [#026] pulled in March this...
China: Down with reactionary blogger
This year is the 40th anniversary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution. Ah Q weekly used an old propaganda poster from Cultural Revolution to make sarcastic remarks on the recent “management”...
Hong Kong: Bus Uncle and Chief Executive
The Bus Uncle video (a video taken on a mobile phone of a young man and older man arguing on the top of a bus) has spread from the internet...
Philippines: Tacky advertising
Village idiot Savant wants Microsoft Philippines to grow up.
Tokyo: Creative rehearsal space
Lee at Tokyo Times has a suggestion, photographic explanation included, for Tokyo musicians hard up for rehearsal space and who risk eviction by practicing at home.
Philippines: Wickedly Sweet Filipino
The blogger at Manilastreetwalker introduces “wickedly-sweet” Filipinos he encounters in his travels in Spain.
Taiwan: Can't stop blogging
“[T]he Net has taken over my life,” decided prominent English-language The View from Taiwan blogger Michael Turton last Sunday, “and I need to regain control. So expect a drastic drop...
China: Complainers’ blog birthday
One of China's hottest English-language blogs TalkTalkChina is now one year old.
The Global Voices Show #1
Global Voices is pleased to announce the first of our new magazine-style podcasts, which aim to do for online audio what the Global Voices web site does for text blogs...
The Kannada Context: Exclusive Identity and Other Stories
A round up of the Kannada blog world.
Arabisk – The Arabic Bloggers Ken
The following is an abbreviated translation from some of the Arabic-language blogsphere. Music… Amal, in her latest cartoon: “See my Wawa, kiss my Wawa.” The Wawa is the little tiny...
Puerto Rico: Building walls
Inspired by the US government's decision to build “a ‘state-of-the-art’ wall” along the border with Mexico, Gil the Genius sarcastically compiles a “list of things in Puerto Rico that need...
Philippines: Bootleg DVDs
VillageIdiotSavant has a very good reason for not buying bootleg DVDs.
Armenia: Clean Green Center
Nessuna wonders whether or not the designer of signs promoting a clean central Yerevan has a sense of humor.
China: Corporate commitment questioned
Cut the commitment doublespeak and call your operations in China for what they really are, says Will at Imagethief, or else live up to the claim: “Indeed, it seems clear...
China: New political campaign shows sarcasm is alive and well
A strange custom of every Communist Party of China leader is for them to come up with their own theory or “ism”. Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping had their own...
Hong Kong: Making fun of news
EastSouthWestNorth blogger Roland Soong translates a blog post which takes a humorous look at the ten hottest news stories on the internet this past week.
Martinique: Reflections on One Night Stand
Le Blog de [Moi] praises (Fr) another blogger's effort to create One Night Stand, an erotic film made from a non-heterosexual, non-male perspective. Says [Moi]: “I am awaiting its release...
Cayman Islands: Cayman Cop is back!
Cayman Bobby, the Cayman Islands police officer/blogger who was muzzled by his employers back in February, has started blogging again.
Philippines: Summer time
Synesthetique talks about the summer in Philippines and she is hoping that the government will enclose the country in an airconditioned bubble.
Venzuela, USA: “Choose Your Chicken”
Liz Henry has translated a portion of Venezuelan-born Meibell's account (ES) of purchasing a live chicken in Harlem, New York.